Date/ID Type Image
1739-07-03-02 Administrative Acts, Admission to French Superior Council, Character Reference
People: Broutin , Salmon ( 1728 ) - , Couturier
1744-03-06-01 Notarial Acts, Agreement
People: Decuir , Broutin , Potin , Allain , Decoux , Decoux
1770-02-17-01 Notarial Acts, Assignment
People: Ancrum , Andry , Armand , Auricoste , Badon , Balme , Beauregard , Bellair , Bernoudy - , Berqueville , Braquier, ainé , Braud - , Broutin , Burgos , Cadet , Cadis , Caminada , Carriere , Cartier , Cavalier freres , Champion , Chantamá , Charretier , D'Abbadie , Daunois , Dauterive ( d'Hauterive ) - , David , Deguindre, fils , Deguire , Delachaise , Derruisseaux , Desillets , Dessalles , Dubreuil , Dupessy / Duplessy , Duplessis , Durand , Duverge , Duverges , Forestal / Forstall , Garic - , Grondele , Guerin , Hollier , Jarvelas , Jung , Laclede , Lafitte , Laissard , Lajeunesse , Lamalatie , Lamatte , Lardin , Lebretton / Lebreton , Lecour , Lefevre , Sassier ( Lesassier ) - , Loppinot , Macnemara , Maxent ( Maxant ) - , Mazange - , Menard , Mongel , Monsanto , Musculus , Neau , Poupet , Raguet - , Raimbault , Ranson , Reaud , Ricardo , Ricardo , Ronde ( Delaronde, père ) - , Roullin , Soubie - , Tarascon - , Tredo , Unzaga ( y Amezaga ) - , Veslar , Vienne , Villards , Villiers , Voix ( Bua ) -

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