Date/ID Type Image
1764-07-12-01 Notarial Acts, Marriage Contract
People: Pellerin , Macarty , Aubry , Barthelemy , Becat - ( 1760 ) , Bellair , Cesaire , d'Abbadie - , D'abbadie , de Charmeaux , De Grant , de Macarty , de Villiers , Delaplace - , Reggio, Sr. ( 1758 ) - , DuCros ( de Lucinge ) ( 1752 ), pere - , Verges ( Duverges ) ( 1728 ) - , Foucault - , Gardrat - , Garic - , Grandmaison - , Lafreniere , Chauvin de Lafreniere, fils , Lafreniere , Le Bretton, Squire , Macarty , Macarty , Macarty , Pellerin , Pellerin , St. Martin , Vezin
1780-03-31-01 Notarial Acts, Succession
People: ( Drove ) , Couture , Drove , Drove , Drove , Drove , Drove , Drove , Drove , Drove , Drove , Latulipe , Mazange - , Merlin , Molon , Montreuil , Pellerin , Piernas - , Quinones , Rasteaus , Rasteau , Voisin

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