Date/ID Type Image
1793-03-04-03 Judicial Acts, Criminal Cases/Acts, Accusations, Criminal, Theft
People: ( Estridge ) , ( Estridge ) , ( Gustavus ) , ( Gustavus ) , Alba , Armesto - , Arno , Badillo - , Barba , Bathlin , Batist , Bellair , Bellou , Berrey , Boudousquie , Brafthers , Butts , Cardon , Carney , Hector - ( Baron de Carondelet ) , Castanedo - , Chastan , Chenau , Coquet , Courage , Darby - , Dapena , Delavillebeauvre , Denford , Desgranges , Dow - , Duforest - , Dunford / Durnford , Eslava , Estridge , Estridge , Estridge , Favre , Fish , Forbes , Fuchens , Garcia , Gomez - , Gonzalez , Gonzalez , Garvea ( y Orue ) - , Gustavus , Hail , Hays , Holsum , Hooy , James , Jonsthon , Kennard , de Lanzos , Lemaire - , Liotau - , Lopez , Mabre , McDaniels , Morell , Moriet , Moriet , O'Neylli ( O'Neill ) ( de Tyrone ) - , Ogines , Panton , Pazo , Pedesclaux - , Peña ( Pena ) - , Perry , Philips , Pichilin , Pickin , Poquet , Prays , Price , Rogers , Ross , Ruiz , Sandre , Saussaye , Serrano - , Taylor , Thomas , Tom , Vilberdre

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