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Date/ID | Type | Image |
1793-07-31-02 |
Notarial Acts, Inventory
People: ( Marsan ) , ( Martinez ) , ( Martinez ) , ( Martinez ) , ( Martinez ) , ( Ylera ) , Abal , Andravy , Anduesa , Badillo - , Badins , Bal , Barba , Baure , ( Trepagnier ) , Bellestre , Bellon , Vinet , Binet , Bison , Blanco , Boseman , Bosque , Bougaud , Boyaval ( Bayaval )- , Briot , Brog , Bulle , Calderon , Calle , Calle , Caperdonio , Carcasses , Castro , Cayeux , Champion , Chaperon , Clark - , Combelle ( Combell ) - , Commager , Compere , Corve , Crespo , Cruz , Dapena , Dominguez , Dubreuille , Ducoudreaux , Dupuy , Duran , Durel , Eneto , Esteves , Fernandez , Fernandez - , Fis , Fividon , Fletcher , Foudal , Frederico , Frolo , Fuser , Garcia , Garel , Garre , Genova , Girod , Giraud , Gomez - , Gonzalez - , Gracia , Guardado , Guerrero , Harno , Hoilo , Inesta , Isleno , Jacob , Jones , Jourdan , Lacostura , Lafalse , Lafranche , Lebeuf , Lemaire - , Lemed , Lenes , Liotau - , Lozada , Macarty , Maldonado , Marigny - , Marin , Marreros , Martinez , Martinez , Martinez , Martinez , Martinez , Martinez , Mendez ( Mendes ) - , Miranda , Miranda , Mironce , Monbrun , Mongol , Ventura ( Morales ) - , Negrie , Nogeira , Nogeira , Ocon , Oliver , Austin , Paredes , Pavie , Pedesclaux - , Pedesclaux , Pellerin , Perdomo ( 1775 ) - , Philipeaux , Pinel , Prados , Quintanilla , Ribul , Rioma , Rios , Rivera , Rodriguez , Rodriguez - , Rouen , Rouen , Rueda , Saavedra , Sande , Sandre , Sauve ( Saure ) - , Sermen , Serrano - , Sidro , Soulie , Uribe , Valdes , Var , Varela , Ventura , Vidal , Villanueba , White - , Zenon |
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1793-12-15-01 |
Notarial Acts, Appraisement
People: ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , Abat , Alard , Alston , Argote - , Armas ( y Arcila ) - , Armesto - , Arnaud , Arroyo , Aubert , Badillo - , Bahy , Balier , Balls , Barbin , Bariere , Basset , Beall , Beauregard , Belair , Belet , Benet / Bennett , Benites , Bidot , Bienvenu , Bonabel , Bondon , Bons , Borras , Bosque , Boudousquie , Brofite , Broutin , Broutin - ( 1752 ) , Bury , Butler , Cafie , Caillavet , Candel , Hector - ( Baron de Carondelet ) , Castanedo - , Chauvin , Chauvin , Ciset , Clark , Clark - , Cochran , Conway , Cooper , Cocson / Coxon , Coyl , Daunoy ( Daunois ) - , Dauville ( Douville ) , Degrange , Delague , Delvaux , Desprez / Despre , Dow - , Dubuclet , Dubuclet , Duforest - , Durcy , Durel , Edeline , Fabrega , Faure , Fayot , Fete , Forgeson , Formand , Fortier , Foucher - ( 1783 ) , Gallaudet , Garic - , Gates , Genois , St. Germain , Giovellina , Girault , Girod , Gomez - , Gorman , Collins , Guinault ( 1783 ) - , Hamilton , Henderson , Hiben , Higdon , Hurlot , Izurra , Johnson , Jones , Jung , Calvo , Keller , Kenedy , Labatut , Laburthe , Lacour , Lafond , Landier , Langlois , Lamastres / Lasmartres , Larralde , Latille , Lavergne , Lemaire - , Lemos , Lemos ( y Amorin ) - , Lesassier , Liotau - , Logny , Lopez , Lovelace , Lovio , Macarty , Macarty , Macarty , Macarty , Macarty , Macarty , Magnon , Man , Mare , Mayronne , Mazange - , Melo , Mendez ( Mendes ) - , Mercenario , Mercier , Miguel , Milhet , Minor , Minor , Monlon ( Monllon ) - , Monsanto , Montegut ( Montegu ) - , Moore , Murdock , Nelson , Neuman , Nobella , O'Connor , Orsel , Orso ( Orzo ) - , Osorno , Paillet , Palao , Pascal , Pavana ( Pavaña ) - , Pavie , Pedesclaux - , Perilliat , Pontalba , Pras , Quintanilla , Ramos , Rateau , Rees , Reggio ( change>1758 ) - , Rose , Sanders , Sande , Sandre , Sarpy , Scott , Serrano - , Soler ( Solere ) - , Sores , Soulier , Stapol , Stephens , Strother ( Estrother ) - , Texada , Thailer , Thompson , Thubeuf , Trepanier , Trudeau - , Vidal , Vidal - , Vidal , Vincente , Wakarny / Wackernie , Weeks , Wilkins / Belkins , Willey , Wilson , Ximenez ( Ximenes ) - , Yben , Yben |
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1794-08-22-02 |
Notarial Acts, Inventory
People: Alpuente ( y Ruiz ) - , Badillo - , Bardel , Batista , Belair , Bestoso , Bono , Bono , Bono , Bono , Bono , Bono , Boudousquie , Broutin - ( 1752 ) , Cafier , Calvo , Camano , Canes , Carve , Casafranca , Casanova , Chachote , Clark - , Cocson / Coxon , Confalony , Conway , Delery, Jr. - , Dibouas , Ducros, fils - , Esculiano , Fedepis , Ferlan , Fernandez , Ferrayolo , Fromentin , Garcia , Gomez - , Gontalon , Guinault ( 1783 ) - , Jacob , Josseur , Julian , Kernion - , Landier , Lemaire - , Lemos , Lemos , Leiva , Liotau - , Lona , Lovernia , Lombar , Maones , Maxent ( Maxant ) - , Melo , Miguel , Orso ( Orzo ) - , Pedesclaux - , Percela , Prieur , Quintelos , Ramirez , Ramos , Riqueros , Rodriguez - , Sande , Sandella , Sandre , Santos , Serrano - , Suichi , Valentino / Balentin , Vicente , Ximenez ( Ximenes ) - |
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