Date/ID Type Image
1758-99-99-02 Private Documents, Memorandum (Accounts Due, etc...)
People: Villars , Fleuriau , Lobios , Beaurepas , Cirug , Delaunay - , Laperriere , Lapommeraye , Luquet , Maison ( 1758 ) - , Lenormand - ( 1738 ) , Trudeau, fils , Trudeau, pere , Villars
1758-99-99-06 Private Documents, Itemized Statement / List
People: Villars , Luquet , Trudeau , Fleuriau , Laperriere , Lobios , Cirug , Beaurepas , Delaunay - , Lapommeraye , Maison ( 1758 ) - , Lenormand - ( 1738 ) , Trudeau, pere
1768-05-13-01 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Deposition/Interrogation/Testimony
People: Garic - , Boudousquie , Chalon , Collier , Kernion - , Filiozo , Foucault - , Chauvin de Lafreniere, fils , Lacoste , Le Coste , Lobios , Milhet, Junior , Phoenard , Poupet , Raby , Sainteloy , Saintpre , Tarasco

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