Date/ID Type Image
1774-01-17-01 Administrative Acts, Petition (to sell property, etc.)
People: Unzaga ( y Amezaga ) - , Champion , Colet , Collette , Dubuisson , Durand , Odoardo ( de Sayas ) -
1794-01-17-01 Administrative Acts, Appointment
People: ( Charity Hospital ) , ( Charity Hospital ) , ( Charity Hospital ) , ( Charity Hospital ) , ( Charity Hospital ) , ( Charity Hospital ) , ( Charity Hospital ) , Almonester ( y Roxas ) - , Armesto - , Hector - ( Baron de Carondelet ) , Champion , Giovellina , Leduc , Leonard , Miró ( Miro ) - , Sedella - , Ximenez ( Ximenes ) -
1795-05-18-02 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Property Dispute
People: ( Reguiemme ) , ( Reguiemme ) , Badillo - , Boutet ( Boutte ) - , Hector - ( Baron de Carondelet ) , Mouin de Champigny , Champion , Cultia - , Blanc , Morant , Dubois , Duforest - , Galabert , Brun , Lemagne , Lemaire - , Liotau - , Liotau , Llorca , Malige , Malige , Malige , Murphy , Pedesclaux - , Planche , Quiñones ( Quinones ) - , Reguiemme , Reguiemme , Reguiemme , St. Jacque , Tauzin , Valentin , Vidal - , Ximenez ( Ximenes ) -

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