Date/ID Type Image
1788-09-27-01 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Declaration
People: Andrion , Aynre , Caterson , Duforest - , Era , Garcia , Landreau , Laneau , Liotau - , Martinez , Mendez ( Mendes ) - , Miró ( Miro ) - , Monlon ( Monllon ) - , Garvea ( y Orue ) - , Perdomo ( 1775 ) - , Prieto , Segui / Segui , Serrano - , Thompson , Wikoff , Zene / Zeny
1793-10-07-03 Notarial Acts, Sale of Slave(s)
People: ( Depauw ) , Badillo - , Bahy - , Hector - ( Baron de Carondelet ) , Depauw , Depauw , Duforest - , Flower , Gomez - , Landier , Lemaire - , Mortimer , Pedesclaux - , Sherret , Siben , Thompson , Toledano , Vidal -

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