Date/ID Type Image
1745-01-02-01 Judicial Acts, Compiled Record of Court Judgements
People: Prevost , Barbin , Jacques , Petit , Vaudreuil , Le Normant , Payen de Noyan , de Benac , Raguet , Prat , Le Breton , Ralet , Couturier , Avrillon , Amyault d'Ausseville , Lorrain , Ferrand , Bobé Descloseaux - , Chauvin de Lafreniere, père ( -1749) - , Dupre Vincent , Galucheau , Massan / Massie
1745-01-02-02 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Suit/Claim/Counterclaim
People: Prevost , Lorrain , Massan / Massie , Poupart , Henry , Lenormand - ( 1738 ) , Ferrand

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