Date/ID Type Image
1765-03-16-01 Notarial Acts, Marriage Contract
People: Connard , Baurans , Vallee , Chapron , ( Connard Second ) , Connard , Gardrat - , Garic - , Gonzales , Poitiarn , Second ( Segond ) - , Second / Segond ( 1765 ) -
1765-99-99-08 Private Documents, Request, Other
People: Lagrange , Vallee
1768-09-28-03 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Carpentier , Dalchurut , Debarry , delafreniere , DeNeyon , Denis , Hubert , Lagrange , Lebretton , Lefevre , Milhet , Milhet - , Papin , Senilh , Soleil , Vallee

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