Date/ID Type Image
1745-03-02-01 Notarial Acts, Inventory
People: Des Ruisseaux , Henry , Millon
1759-04-18-01 Notarial Acts, Marriage Contract
People: Zeringue , Harang , Henry , Chauvin de Lafreniere, fils , Des Ruisseaux , Vaudal , Belair , Triere , Thomassin , Zeringue , Chantalou , Le Normand , Doswall , Etheric , Harang Lafreniere , Huber Lafreniere , Hubert LaCroix
1765-08-10-05 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Judgment / Ruling / Council Decision
People: Gerardy , Des Ruisseaux , Le Beau , d'Abbadie - , Gardrat - , Maison ( 1758 ) - , Tarascon - , Vezin -
People: Kernion , Des Ruisseaux

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