Date/ID Type Image
1766-04-03-01 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Foucault - , Garic - , Maison ( 1758 ) - , Reynard , Reynaud
1787-12-13-01 Administrative Acts, Application / Request Permission
People: Perez - , Labatut , Leduc , Pedesclaux - , Palao , Ortega - , Chesne , Foucher , Clark - , Mar / Marre , Coulin , Reynaud , de Alba , Fernandez , Soulie , Villegas - , Armesto - , Baquier / Braquier , Bertoniere ( Bertonniere ) - , Calandro [ Calandrot ] , Cavalier , Chabert - , Chevalier , Daupherne , Delaplace - , Duehesue / Duchene , Evia , Fabre ( & Company ) - , Liotau, Fabre and Company - , Fangui , Ivan and Company , Lacourt / La Cour , Larrey , Liotau - , Liotau - , Paillet , Perdomo ( 1775 ) - , Poree ( Porée ) - , Postigo ( y Balderrama ) - , Raguet, fils - , Rodrigues ( Rodriguez ) - , Alpuente ( y Ruiz ) - , Sincantin , Subie , Tounoir
1790-09-11-02 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Collection / Demand for Payment of a Note / Debt
People: Boisdore - , Guerin , Guerin , Reynaud
1795-06-01-01 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Collection / Demand for Payment of a Note / Debt
People: Agnes , Aleman , Aranda , Armero , Armesto - , Aubry , Badillo - , Beaugeard , Beauregard , Beltremieux , Berducat , Bisardon , Blanc , Boisdore , Calmas , Calvo , Carcasses , Carriazo , Cavelier , Chabot , Charle , Cobbs , Cornu , Dechavert , Dow - , Duforest - , Duplessis , Fernandez , Fortier , Galeau , Giliber , Gonzalez , Guival , Isnard , Labranche , Landier , Lasalle , Latour , Leduc , Leonard , Liotau - , Llano , Loubies , Lucador , Marcon , Maria , Mortimer , Garvea ( y Orue ) - , Pascal , Pedesclaux , Perdomo ( 1775 ) - , Petit , Pomet , Pourillac , Reggio , Rendon , Reynaud , Riano ( Riaño ) - , Rodriguez - , Roux , Serrano - , Solis , Solis , Villavaso , Villier , Ximenez ( Ximenes ) -

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