Date/ID Type Image
1766-05-05-01 Notarial Acts, Declaration
People: Gaignard , Ginoyer , Mallines ( Malline ) ( 1765 ) -
1766-06-07-02 Private Documents, Memorandum (Accounts Due, etc...)
People: Ginoyer
1766-06-07-10 Notarial Acts, Sale of Property, Movable, Ship/Boat/Barge
People: Blanc , Chouriac , Ginoyer
1766-06-07-11 Private Documents, Memorandum (Accounts Due, etc...)
People: Sallomon , Ginoyer
1766-08-16-01 Private Documents, Receipt
People: Ginoyer , Braud - , Chouriac -
People: Braud - , Chouriac - , Ginoyer

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