Date/ID Type Image
1753-03-10-04 Judicial Acts, Compiled Record of Court Judgements
People: Trepagnier , Dubuisson , Trepagnier , de Kerlerec , d'Auberville , de Membrede , de Bellisle , Le Bretton , Delalande ( D'Apremont ) - , Chauvin de Lafreniere, fils , Germain , Boyer , Dupre , Bertrand , Dore , Bore , ( Bore ) , Gratien , Daublin , Pujol , Daublin , Daublin , Vezin , Trepagnier , de Makarty , Trepagnier , Trepagnier , Carriere , ( Trepagnier, Ignace) , Cazelard , de Lisle Dupart , Douville , Duplessis , Faussier , Andre , Trepagnier , Vill
1753-04-07-03 Judicial Acts, Compiled Record of Court Judgements
People: de Kerlerec , Gratien , d'Auberville , de Membrede , de Belisle , Raguet - , Le Bretton , Delalande ( D'Apremont ) - , Huchet de Kernion , Chauvin de Lafreniere, fils , Moreau , Trenaunay de Chanfret , Dubreuil , Desverges , Goudeau , Chaperon , Henry , Tixerant , Delfaut de Pontalba , Hery Duplanty , Castette , Hery ( dit Duplanty ) ( 1736 ) -
1753-04-07-04 Judicial Acts, Compiled Record of Court Judgements
People: de Kerlerec , d'Auberville , de Membrede , de Bellisle , Raguet - , Le Bretton , Gratien , Daublin , Pujol , Moreau , Trenaunay de Chanfret , Benoit , DuBreuil, pere - , Desverges , Garic - , Godeau , Chaperon , Henry , Tixerant , Niusman , de Levilliers , Moutar [ Moutard ] , Marette , Brazillier , Charpentier - , Chevreuil , Delalande ( D'Apremont ) - , Pontalba , Hery ( dit Duplanty ) ( 1736 ) - , Kernion , Lafreniere, père , Moutard , Moutard
1753-05-05-01 Judicial Acts, Criminal Cases/Acts, Arraignment
People: ( Dubreuil ) , Huchet de Kernion , de Kerlerec , d'Auberville , de Membrede , de Bellisle , Bobé Descloseaux - , Raguet - , Le Bretton , Delalande ( D'Apremont ) - , Darby , Chauvin de Lafreniere, fils , Mandeville
1753-05-05-03 Judicial Acts, Compiled Record of Court Judgements
People: Moreau , Trenaunay de Chanfret , DuBreuil, pere - , Benoit , Delfaut de Pontalba , de Goyon , Lenormand - ( 1738 ) , Lagrange , Dutillet , De Vaugine , Henry , de Kerlerec , d'Auberville , de Membrede , de Bellisle , Bobé Descloseaux - , Raguet - , LeBretton , Delalande ( D'Apremont ) - , Huchet de Kernion , Chauvin de Lafreniere, fils , Fromentain , Tixerant
1753-05-05-04 Judicial Acts, Criminal Cases/Acts, Rulings/Sentences, Flogging and Imprisonment
People: de Kerlerec , d'Auberville , de Membrede , de Bellisle , Bobé Descloseaux - , Raguet - , Le Breton , Huchet de Kernion , Delalande ( D'Apremont ) - , ( Dubreuil ) , DuBreuil, pere - , Chauvin de Lafreniere, fils
1753-08-04-06 Judicial Acts, Compiled Record of Court Judgements
People: d'Auberville , de Membrede , de Bellisle , Raguet - , Le Bretton , Dutillet , Delatour , De Vaugine , de Pontalba , Pierre , Garic - , Destrehan , DeLavergne , Decalogue , Desclaud , Gerbe , Braquier , Layssard (Brothers) , Chapron , Baudreau, fils - (dit Graveline) , Hardy , Boyer , Soulard , Boyer , Caminade , Prevost , de Gauvry , Debellisle , Delahoussaye , Delalande , Huchet de Kernion , Avignon , Sassier ( Lesassier ) - , Maulion / Maulon / Montleon , Pictet - , de Kerlerec
1753-09-01-03 Judicial Acts, Compiled Record of Court Judgements
People: de Kerlerec , d'Auberville , de Membrede , de Bellisle , Raguet - , Le Bretton , Delalande ( D'Apremont ) - , Huchet de Kernion , Couilleret , Boyer , Goudeau , Caue ( Coue )- , Reynaud , Baudreau, fils - (dit Graveline)
1753-10-06-07 Judicial Acts, Compiled Record of Court Judgements
People: Armand , Duff , Braquier , Vivier , Macarty , Gazan , Senet , Jourdain , Triere , Baudreau, père - (dit Graveline) , Tarascon , Girardy , Turpin , Huchet de Kernion , Prevost , Potin , Prevost , d'Auberville , de Membrede , de Bellisle , Le Bretton , Chauvin de Lafreniere , Hugon , de Chavoy , Renard (Brothers) , Lepelletier, Chevalier de Lahoussaye , De Vaugine , Delfaut de Pontalba , Petit de Livilliers , Duval , Pradel , Poussin (F) , Henry , Lessassier , Godeau , Caue , Germain , Barbin , De la Lande , Delalande ( D'Apremont ) - , de Kerlerec , Jung - , Lejeune , Payen de Chavoye , Rafland , Renard , Renard
1758-03-20-04 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Marquis , de Kerlerec , Bobé Descloseaux - , Fichte , Vesperman
1758-03-31-01 Notarial Acts, Marriage Contract
People: Piquery , Dutillet , de Kerlerec , De Neyon , Coulange , d'Auberville , Grondel , Piquery , De Vaugine , Avard , Avard / Avart , Baubelle , Belille , Belille , Caue ( Coue )- , Delaunay - , Desomme , Dessalles , Grondel , Grondel , kerlerec , Latille , Le Brion , Piquery , Sadous , Vaugine , Villeneuve, fils - , Villeneuve, pere - , Villere
1758-06-21-01 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Succession, Report on Inventory
People: Rivarde , Rivarde , Demain , Destrehan , de Kerlerec , Duvernay , Volant , Coue , Dreux , Thomassin , Chantalou - ( 1736 ) , de Mazan , de Villemont , Decaux , Bobé Descloseaux - , Garic - , Glapion - , Sadoux , Volante
1758-12-12-01 Notarial Acts, Succession
People: Barret , Dorval , de Kerlerec , Henry , George , de St. Martin , Cazelar , Dutillet , Alberonny , Barret , Barry , Bigot , Cazalac , Chantalou - ( 1736 ) , Silegne - , de Vozin , Dorval , Dorval , Dorval , Dorval , Laveaux , Louthe , Provencher , Soubie - , Soubit
1759-02-17-01 Notarial Acts, Marriage Contract
People: Dreux , Thomassin , Le Normand , Chantalou , Marquis , Huchet de Kernion , Raguet - , de Lafreniere , de Kerlerec , de Rochemore , Duhommeel , de Vezin , [ Religious - Capuchin ], de Longuory , ( Dreux ) , d'Hary , de Villemont de Kernion , Dreux , Dreux , Garrot , Hugault , Le Chevalier de Glapion , Loguy d'Hary
1759-05-01-01 Notarial Acts, Power of Attorney/Procuration
People: Soubie , de Kerlerec , Raguet , Chantalou , De Salles , Laulre
1759-05-05-01 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Declaration
People: Chantalou , de Kerlerec , de Rochemore , Derneville , De Reggio , St. Louis , Diasse Asariasse , Grondel , Marigny de Mandeville , Sassier
1759-07-05-01 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Report of Special Meeting
People: Boul , de Kerlerec , Lassassier , Coue , de Grandpre , Favrot , de Verges , du Billot , Chantalou - ( 1736 ) , Dalevau , MacCarty , de Trante , Delalande ( D'Apremont ) - , Descondreaux , Grandmaison - , Guettin , Taubenheim , Tisseran de Moncharvaux , Trudeau
1759-07-18-01 Notarial Acts, Power of Attorney/Procuration
People: Gendron , Durand , Songy , Thomassin , Chantalou , de Kerlerec , Gachinard , Garnier , Groueil , Grouin, Lord of Bercherie , Legermain , Loquet , Loquet de La Pommerais , Picquel
1761-05-02-01 Judicial Acts, Compiled Record of Court Judgements
People: de Kerlerec , de Kernion , Delachaise , de Mandeville , Daigle , Blache , Durieux , de Boisblanc , Boyan , Conrad , Delalande ( D'Apremont ) - , Fusollier , Jautore , Lafreniere Trudal , Manoleau , Timieo
1761-07-04-01 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Declaration
People: de Rochemore , de Kerlerec , Macarty , Delachaise , Bouby , Delalande ( D'Apremont ) - , Fuselier , Kernion
1762-01-19-01 Notarial Acts, Marriage Contract
People: Macarty , Laclede , Grandpre , de Rochemore , Boisclair , de Boisblanc , Bellile , Lenormand - ( 1738 ) , de Kerlerec , Macarty , Barry , Bary ( Barry ) - ( 1757 ) , Chantalou - ( 1736 ) , Chiron , Darenbourg , Darenbourg , Delachaise , deLachaise , Delachaise , Delachaise , LaChaise ( Delachaise, fils ) - , Forstall / Forstal , Forstal, fils , Kernion , Latour, Jr. - , Le Dee , Macarty , Rochemore , St. Denis -
1762-01-30-02 Notarial Acts, Marriage Contract
People: Braquier , Carriere , Couprie , Chiron , Bary , Chantalou , Delalande , de Kerlerec , Kernion , Delachaise , Macarty , Ranson , Bourgaux , Bourgeois , Casellar , Legrand , Gaillardie , Gallot , Gallot , Gallot , Garnier , Michet , Nouquez , Ranson , Thibeaudeaux , Violle
1762-02-06-01 Notarial Acts, Settlement
People: Vollant , Chauvin , Devins , Marquis , Vollant , Vollant , Chantalou - ( 1736 ) , Delabarre , de Kerlerec , McCarty , Huchet de Kernion , Bary ( Barry ) - ( 1757 ) , Bienvenu , Chiron - , Barre - , Delagauthrie , Delatour , Devin , Hemoines , Vollant
1762-04-10-01 Notarial Acts, Emancipation (of Slave)
People: de Kerlerec , de Rochemore , Dauterive , Aubert , Dauterive ( d'Hauterive ) - , Verges ( Duverges ) ( 1728 ) -
1762-04-16-02 Notarial Acts, Marriage Contract
People: Fleuriau , Fleuriau , de Kerlerec , Rochemore , Dubois , Macarty , Laveau , Chiron - , Amelot , Bary ( Barry ) - ( 1757 ) , Chantalou - ( 1736 ) , Locquet de La Pommeraye , de Moriere , de Murat , D'Erneville ( Derneville ) - , Dubreuil , DuBreuil, pere - , DuCros ( de Lucinge ) ( 1752 ), pere - , Verges ( Duverges ) ( 1728 ) - , Laboulaye , Delalande ( D'Apremont ) - , Reggio, Sr. ( 1758 ) - , Trudeau , Villars , Villars
1762-04-17-02 Notarial Acts, Marriage Contract
People: Vollant , Marquis , de la Barre , Aubert , de Kerlerec , Chiron - , Barbe , Chabert - , Chantalou - ( 1736 ) , Chauvin , Chauvin , Chauvin , de Guetlin , de Guetlin , de LaBarre , Reggio, Sr. ( 1758 ) - , DuCros ( de Lucinge ) ( 1752 ), pere - , Verges ( Duverges ) ( 1728 ) - , Favrot , Macarty , Vollant
1762-04-24-01 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Deposition/Interrogation/Testimony
People: Grondel , Rochemore , de Kerlerec , Marquis , Vollant , Chantalou - ( 1736 ) , DuCros ( de Lucinge ) ( 1752 ), pere - , Verges ( Duverges ) ( 1728 ) - , Reggio, Sr. ( 1758 ) - , Taupenheim
1762-05-10-02 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Succession, Statement of Account
People: Carriere , de Kerlerec , Delachaise , Macarty , Delalande ( D'Apremont ) - , Huchet de Kernion
1762-05-12-01 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Family Law, Family Meeting
People: Carriere , Carriere , Carriere , Foucher , Carriere Monbrun , de Kerlerec , Macarty , Boré , Broutin - ( 1752 ) , Carriere , Chantalou - ( 1736 ) , Delalande ( D'Apremont ) - , Kernion , Huchet de Kernion , Mathurin
1762-05-12-02 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Carriere , Carriere Monbrun , Boré , de Kernion , de Kerlerec , Macarty , Carriere , Destrehan , Foucher , Carriere , Carriere , Carriere , Boré , Cazobord , Chantalou - ( 1736 ) , Foucher , Huchet de Kernion , Lenormand - ( 1738 ) , Monguez , Thiton
1762-05-24-02 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Carriere , Carriere , de Kerlerec , Macarty , Boré , Delalande ( D'Apremont ) - , Huchet de Kernion
1762-06-26-01 Notarial Acts, Marriage Contract
People: de Livaudais , de Kerlerec , Grandpre , Dorville , Chavoy , Carriere , de Rochemore , Broudin , Aubry , Bary ( Barry ) - ( 1757 ) , Chiron - , de Livaudais , Disillest , Dumanoire , Livaudais
1762-07-02-01 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Succession, Statement of Account
People: Marquis , de Kerlerec , Macarty , Gautier , Bary ( Barry ) - ( 1757 ) , Beaulieu , Beaulieu , Boisclair , Broutin - ( 1752 ) , Chabert - , Chantalou - ( 1736 ) , Chovillon , Demouy , Demouy, Jr. , Desillest , Duval , Frenieur , Chauvin de Lafreniere, fils , Monplaisir , Nanchaud
1762-07-03-01 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Judgment / Ruling / Council Decision
People: de Kerlerec , de Rochemore , d'Abbadie - , de Choiseul , Delalande ( D'Apremont ) - , Delaunay - , Fleuriau , Huchet de Kernion , Kernion , Chauvin de Lafreniere, fils
1762-11-23-03 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Collection / Demand for Payment of a Note / Debt
People: Raoult , Poncet , Vienne , Voix , Reinaud , Vivial , Blache , Jacquelin , Drouet , de Kerlerec , Catineau , Turpin , Vincent , Reynard , Bellin , Breton , Chantalou - ( 1736 ) , Chateau - , Delalande ( D'Apremont ) - , Verges ( Duverges ) ( 1728 ) - , Foucault - , Harant , Jautard , Laforest , Le Roy , Mespoulet , Salliman
1763-02-05-04 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Cheval , Carmouche , Cheval , Rousseau , de Kerlerec , Chantalou - ( 1736 ) , Croizé , Delalande ( D'Apremont ) - , Delaunay - , Chauvin de Lafreniere, fils , Sassier ( Lesassier ) - , Rousseau
1763-02-05-05 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Flottemanville , de Kerlerec , Delachaise , Barbin , Chantalou - ( 1736 ) , Delalande ( D'Apremont ) - , Delaunay - , Chauvin de Lafreniere, fils , Sassier ( Lesassier ) - , Voisin, pere ( 1729 ) -
1763-02-07-02 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: de Kerlerec , Delachaise , Breton , Delalande ( D'Apremont ) - , Delaunay - , DuCros ( de Lucinge ) ( 1752 ), pere - , Chauvin de Lafreniere, fils , Sassier ( Lesassier ) -
1763-04-26-01 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Carriere , Trepagnier , Carriere , Carriere , Carriere , Carriere , Carriere , Carriere , Carriere , Carriere , Huchet de Kernion , de Kerlerec , Delachaise , Bary ( Barry ) - ( 1757 ) , Boisdore , Broutin - ( 1752 ) , Carriere , Carriere , Chantalou - ( 1736 ) , Chatillon , Delalande ( D'Apremont ) - , Foucault - , Foucher ( 1745 ) , Chauvin de Lafreniere, fils , Sassier ( Lesassier ) -
1763-05-17-02 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: de Kerlerec , Delachaise , Chatillon , Broutin - ( 1752 ) , Chantalou - ( 1736 ) , Delahoussaye , Delalande ( D'Apremont ) - , Foucault - , Garic - , Huchet de Kernion , Tremeur
1763-06-04-04 Notarial Acts, Marriage Contract
People: Goudeau , Pascal , de Kerlerec , Jacob , Duplessis , Couprie , Olivier , Aubry - , Bary ( Barry ) - ( 1757 ) , Becat - ( 1760 ) , Chateaubaudeau - , Chateaubaudeau - , Courtial , d'Abbadie - , Reggio, Sr. ( 1758 ) - , DuCros ( de Lucinge ) ( 1752 ), pere - , Verges ( Duverges ) ( 1728 ) - , Galliardy , Garic - , Goudeau , Goudeau de Rocheblave , Goudou , Pasqualene Goudeau , Real (F)
1763-06-18-01 Notarial Acts, Marriage Contract
People: Le Roy , Le Roy , Gaillardie , Saulet , de Kerlerec , Bary ( Barry ) - ( 1757 ) , Becat - ( 1760 ) , d'Abbadie - , Garic - , Grizon , Jourdain , Piat , Piat , Redy , Renaudin , St. Eloy
1763-07-04-06 Notarial Acts, Inventory
People: Ducros , D'Apremont , Le Normand , Bailly , de Kerlerec , Fleury
1763-10-28-01 Notarial Acts, Authorization
People: de Kerlerec , Becat - ( 1760 ) , d'Abbadie - , de Noyen de Villiers , du Bot , Garic - , Soubie -
1763-10-28-02 Notarial Acts, Power of Attorney/Procuration
People: de Kerlerec , De Neyon , Becat - ( 1760 ) , d'Abbadie - , de Kerlerec , Reggio, Sr. ( 1758 ) - , DuCros ( de Lucinge ) ( 1752 ), pere - , Verges ( Duverges ) ( 1728 ) - , Garic - , Soubie -
1765-02-05-01 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Succession, Report on Inventory
People: de Kerlerec , Jesuit Fathers , Aubry - , d'Abbadie - , Dubreuil ( de Villars ) dit Lafacine - , Verges ( Duverges ) ( 1728 ) - , Foucault - , Chauvin de Lafreniere, fils , Soubie -
1765-09-06-02 Notarial Acts, Power of Attorney/Procuration
People: Gauvain, Jr. , de Kerlerec , D'Abbadie , Chataubaudau
1766-05-09-02 Private Documents, Letter, Business
People: de Kerlerec , Alexandre , Gradis , Monsanto - , Raguet -
1766-07-07-02 Notarial Acts, Declaration
People: Garic - , Aubry - , Baudouin , de Kerlerec , Delaunay - , Foucault - , Chauvin de Lafreniere, fils , Maison ( 1758 ) -
1767-04-07-03 Notarial Acts, Power of Attorney/Procuration
People: Lunel - , de Kerlerec , Billoard de Rerrangan , Billoard Dessoles , Blaque , Gardrat - , Garic - , Goesbriant
1767-07-11-02 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Opposition / Rejoinder / Answer
People: Gerbe , Lesassier , Raquet , Soubie , de Kerlerec , L'humeau , Boccaton
1787-02-16-01 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Fazende , Dorville , Monrroy , Carcasses , Barrios , Barrois , Barrüa , Barrüa , Beauregard , Bertoniere ( Bertonniere ) - , Bone / Bonne , Bonne , Coultineau , Coutineau , Demazellier - , Duforest - , Faucault , Fazende , Fennelot , Fontenelle , Fontenelle , Fontenelle , Fontenelle , Fontenet , Fromentin ( Fromantin ) - , Foucault - , Guemar , Guenard , de Kerlerec , Larche , Liotau - , Martin , Masilier , Miró ( Miro ) - , Monbrun , Padre , Perdomo ( 1775 ) - , Postigo ( y Balderrama ) - , Robin , Tiseran , Vidard , Wiltz
1788-10-05-01 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Succession, Report on Inventory
People: Duchesne , Durel , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , Lefebvre , Mercier , Lano , Vivan , Villars , Lavigne , Solis , Coffigny , Fernandez , Boisclair , Fuentes , Fernandez , Alon , Lasmartres , Monplaisir , Jacob , Mandeville , ( Dapremont ) , Busson , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , Serrano - , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , de Kerlerec , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , Dupre , Artaud , ( Dapremont ) , de Mazant , De Naugine , ( Dapremont ) , de Mouy , ( Dapremont ) , Descoudreau , ( Dapremont ) (I) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , Delivillier , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) (I) , Chaperon , ( Dapremont ) (II) , de Gruy Verloin , Tremoulet - , Olivares , Fortier , Galvez - , Genova , Perez - , Lartiga / Lartique , Ramis , Gaudinet , Pomet , Santilly , Rivera , Dupuy , Quais / Quays , ( Dapremont ) , Roze , Castanedo - , Poeyfarré ( Poeyfarre ) - , Pedesclaux - , Fanguy , Percy , Sedella - , Larrieu , Monget , ( Chavert ) , ( Chavert ) , ( Chavert ) , ( Chavert ) , ( Chavert ) , ( Chavert ) , ( Chavert ) (I) , ( Chavert ) (II) , ( Dapremon ) , ( Dapremon ) , ( Dapremon / Rosa ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) (I) , ( Dapremont ) (II) , ( Dapremont ) (II) , ( Dapremont ) (II) , ( Dapremont ) (II) , ( Dapremont ) (II) , ( Dapremont ) (II) , ( Dapremont ) (II) , ( Dapremont ) (II) , ( Dapremont ) (II) , ( Dapremont ) (II) , ( Dapremont ) (II) , ( Dapremont ) (III) , ( Dapremont ) (III) , ( Estroder ) , ( FPOC ) , ( FPOC ) , ( Roquiny ) , Aguiar , Aleman , Alva , Alvarez , Amelot , Villegas - , Argote , Argote , Armas ( y Arcila ) - , Armero , Armesto - , Bachus , Badia / Bahia , Bahamonde , Postigo ( y Balderrama ) - , Barba , Basine , Batista , Baune , Bay , Beauregard, fils - , Bellisle , Beltremieux , Bermudes ( Bermudez ) - , Bernal , Bertoniere ( Bertonniere ) - , Besie , Bienvenue - , Bienvenue , Billere , Blache , Blanc , Blanc , Blen , Blocaire , Boisdore , Bonne , Bouligny - , Bouller , Bousiony , Boutet ( Boutte ) - , Branbier , Brasilier / Brasilie , Brouner , Broussard , Brunet , Buchen / Buchent / Boucher / Bucher , Buri , Butet , Buyr , Caisergues - , Calandrot , Calay , Caluna , Calvo , Camacho , Cannouay , Canuay , Canue , Conway - , Hector - ( Baron de Carondelet ) , Carre , Cavelie , Cavelier , Cenas , Chabert - , Chantalou - ( 1736 ) , Chapron , Chiloc , Clargue , Clark - , Clark and Rees , Clars , Clary , Cosee , Cosini , de Coulange , Petit de Coulange , Court , Crimén , Cruz , Cupidon , Bobe Desclouseaux , Dapremont , Dapremont , Dapremont , Dapremont , Dapremont , Delalande ( D'Apremont ) - , Dapremont , Daunoy ( Daunois ) , Debuys , Degruis , Dejan , Delac , Delat , Villebeuvre - , Depres , Deregieaux , Devilliers , Dezilet , Dominguez , Lamolere Dorville , Dou , Dow - , Duberge , Dubon , Duforest - , Duplessis , Dupuy , Duquie , Durel , Durel, Sr. , Dutillet , Duval , Espinosa , Strother ( Estrother ) - , Etien , Liotau, Fabre and Company - , Fabrega , Favrot - , Fabrot , Farges , Fehx , Felix , Ferrand , Fontéll , Fontenelle , Fortier , Fraga , Franco , Fremois , Gantilli , Garcia , Garel , Garre , Lemos ( y Amorin ) - , Giondelle , Giovellina , Girana , Giro , Girod , Girona , Girot , Givelina , Gonzalez - , Govelina , Gravier , Grimar , Grondel , Grondel , Gruy , Guays , Hoch / Hoche / Hodge , Jan , Jourdan , Kerlerec , Kernion -, son , Kernion , Labatut , Labrasy , Lachapelle , Lacour , Lafite ( Lafitte Cadet ) - , Chauvin de Lafreniere, fils , Lagrenade , Lagroue , Lalande , Landry , Landry / Landri , Lane , Lanot , Larraby , Lartigue , Latil , Laure , Lavigne , Lavigne , Lavigné , Laviñe , Leblanc , Lebreton , Chauvin de Léry ( Deléry ) , Letourneur , Leuzeson , Liotau - , Liotau - , Soubie / Loubie , Macarty , Macarty , Magnon , Marciel , Mandeville ( Marigny de ) - , Marin , Martin , Mata / Matta , Mather ( Meder ) , Mendez ( Mendes ) - , Mercenario - , Mercie , Mesa , Meyon , Miró ( Miro ) - , Miro , Moguen , Monbron , Monbrun , Monlon ( Monllon ) - , Monrow , Montegut ( Montegu ) - , Montroy , Morant , Morant , De Moran , Mouillet , Neuf , Nunez , Olivero , Olivier de St. Maurice - , Vezin - , Paillet , Pelegren , Pellegrue - , Peña ( Pena ) - , Perdomo ( 1775 ) - , Peresil , Persy , Piernas , Piernas , Piernas - , Piernas , Pomet , Pontalba , Pontela , Grandpre - , Prevoste , Prieto , Prion / Prieur , Profit , Quiñones ( Quinones ) - , Reboult , Raguet - , Riano ( Riaño ) - , Reaud , Reboul , Reggio, Sr. ( 1758 ) - , Reggio , Regio , Revegui , Rillieux , Rodriguez - , Roo , Roque , Rover , Sacolor , Salcedo - , Sanchez , Santilli , Sarpy , Sauve ( Saure ) - , Sauiluet , Sauve , Segon , Second / Segond ( 1765 ) - , Senac - , Serres , Siber , Sonde , Soubié , Soulié , Stilet , Suave , Suel , Suen , Tellerin , Tenoba , Thomassin , Tobelina , Tremé ( Tremet ) - , Treviño , Troudeaux , Trudot , Tulosa , Tuluy , Tumonvilié , Uater , Urza , Urzel , Valdez , Vidal - , Vilars , Villieres , Villars , Ville , Villeneuve, ( Sr. ) - , Vils , Vivant & Co. , Voisin ( 1788 ) - , Willes , Wilz / Wiltz , Wiltz , Wiltz , Ximenez ( Ximenes ) -

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