Date/ID Type Image
1739-07-28-02 Notarial Acts, Receipt of Legacy
People: Noyon , Huet , Roumier , Jahan , Henry , Baak , Baak
1739-10-24-02 Notarial Acts, Contract for Goods and Services
People: Noyon , Picou , Lenormand - ( 1738 ) , Castan , Henry
1743-12-08-02 Notarial Acts, Marriage Contract
People: Trenaunay de Chanfret , Moreau , Moreau , Lange , Vincent , Noyon , Chantalou - ( 1736 ) , Cantrelle , Brusle , Henry , Raguet - , Barut , Boyclaire de Faurot , Darensbourg , Darensbourg , Darensbourg , Darensbourg , de Moutaud des Varrodez , Demurelle , Metzarin , Nocheme , Pierre , Trenaunay de Chanfret , Viges , Vinante
1744-12-26-02 Notarial Acts, Donation
People: Noyon , Verret , Huet , Arnaud , Henry , [ Fox Nation ] , [ Fox Nation ]
1744-12-26-03 Notarial Acts, Sale of Slave(s)
People: Noyon , Verret , Chantalou - ( 1736 ) , Cantrelle , Henry , ( Noyan - Verret )
1747-11-13-01 Notarial Acts, Will/Testament
People: Dulude , Boisdore , Lemelle , Chantalou - ( 1736 ) , Noyon , Simon , Fortié , Henry , ( FPOC - Native ) , [?] , Daublin , Dulude , Lafleur , Noyon , Noyon
1762-12-30-03 Notarial Acts, Receipt of Legacy
People: Foucher , Barbaux , Boisdore - , Bary ( Barry ) - ( 1757 ) , Broutin - ( 1752 ) , Reggio, Sr. ( 1758 ) - , Verges ( Duverges ) ( 1728 ) - , DuCros ( de Lucinge ) ( 1752 ), pere - , Noyon

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