Free and universal access to the region’s most significant foundational documents
Date/ID | Type | Image |
1752-02-05-04 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Deverbois , Delhomme , Deboulair , Delery |
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1752-07-01-10 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Judgment / Ruling / Council Decision
People: Trudeau , Germain , Delisle , Labrosse , Choutaud , Love , Hynard , Coussine , Deruisseaux , Revoil , Maret , Vaudreuil , Michel , d'Auberville , Demembrede , Le Bretton , Beaudreau , Forestier , Deverbois , Dubois , Le Roy , Cantrelle , Cariton , de LaBoulaye , ( Residents of... ) , de St. Claire , Delalande ( D'Apremont ) - , Delery , Delery , Delomer , Vezin - , Dinan , Du Breuil, fils - , Gonzalles , Jeune , Jeune , Jeune , Kernion , Sassier ( Lesassier ) - , Tarascon - , Nougez , Pommerais ( Pommeraye ) père - , Potin , Rivaud , Rivaud |
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1752-08-05-04 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Judgment / Ruling / Council Decision
People: Vaudreuil , de Kernion , Le Bretton , Henry , Millet , Lambert , Diron , Chauvin , Cantrelle , Couprie , Massicot , Piquery , Dubois , Renaud , Brazillier , Dubreuil , de Ste. Claire , Babin , Beaudreaud Graveline , Couturier , D'Auberville , Danade , Descloseaux , Deverbois , Duparc , Fortié , Gonzalle , Goudeau , Haville , Jung - , Sassier ( Lesassier ) - , Rouville , Lorreins, père, dit Tarascon - , Tisserand , Tixerant , Volant |
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1752-08-05-05 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Judgment / Ruling / Council Decision
People: Vollant , Dreux , de Sainte Claire , Fortier , Baudreau , Vinsonneau , Boudreau , Vaudreuil , Michel , Le Bretton , Malo , Henry , Dartaguette , Millet , Cantrelle , Couprie , Cariton , Massicot , Picquery , Gonzalle , Haville , Barbin , Deverbois , Dubois , Brazillier , Belisle , Bizaton , Butorde , Chauvin , Chauvin de Léry ( Delery ) , Danade , Dauville ( Douville ) , Delery , Delisle , Deverbois and Delhomme , Diron , DuBreuil, pere - , Goudeau ( Gaudeau ) - , Grifon , Jung - , Kernion - , Le Kintrek , Sassier ( Lesassier ) - , Michel , Michel , Pradel , Raguet - , Reynaud , Tarrent , Tixerant Signor , Vezin - , Wouguez |
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1792-09-15-01 |
Judicial Acts, Criminal Cases/Acts, Accusations, Criminal, Robbery
People: Allain , Decuir , Ortiz , Gilbert , Deverbois , Mayeux , Serrano - , Mortimer , Genois , Laburthe , Sarpy , Gomez - , Jacob , Hery , Dupain , Bare , Carmouche , Duforest - , Ramos , Gallegos , LeBlanc , Grisey , Rufat , Carmouche , Croizet , Fabre , ( Bescochea ) , ( Catbobres ) , ( Jastio ) , ( Mediavilla ) , ( Rausissu ) , Abreu , Alston , Armant , Armesto - , Bahamonde , Baron , Bary , Bayhy , Bebe , Birronne , Blaupin , Boisdoré , Bonable , Boudeaus , Bougar , Boyaval ( Bayaval )- , Calabron , Capetillo , Carma , Hector - ( Baron de Carondelet ) , Cely , Chiapella , Comager , Courtain , Decous , Dorcier , Ducros ( change>1752 ) - , Duparc , Dusiette , Duvel , Dyian , Elois , Fanner , Fernandez , Ferry , Flores , Fouguez , Gali , Gaudeau , Gouty , Grey , Grimillon, Jr. , Guyo , Habreu , Janné , Jeannis , Lachasay , Laflor , Laflor , Langer , Lapena , Lavergne , Ledoux , Legros , Lemaire - , Liche , Macenary , Mahier , Manteca , Mayer , Mendez ( Mendes ) - , Miro , Molon , Nicollet , Not given , Oeuf , Orreta , Paigne , Pauchez , Pedesclaux - , Peña , Peña ( Pena ) - , Petit , Duriblond , Piernas , Poidras ( Poydras ) - , Ramires , Renaud , Rockenborgh , Rodriguez , Romain , Ros , Rosa , Rousat , Rousseau , Russ , Sauve ( Saure ) - , Soldan , St. Clou , Taino , Thomas , Tomas , Veles / Velez , Zepeda |
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