Date/ID Type Image
1765-02-20-01 Notarial Acts, Obligation / Bill
People: Denis , Reggio, Sr. ( 1758 ) - , DuCros ( de Lucinge ) ( 1752 ), pere - , Verges ( Duverges ) ( 1728 ) - , Gardrat - , Garic - , Mazange - , Moramy
1765-03-01-01 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Report of Arbiter
People: Denis , Poupet , Prevost , Maxent
1765-04-01-01 Private Documents, IOU/Promissory Note
People: Denis , Brumeau
1766-11-27-02 Private Documents, Receipt
People: Denis , Laissard , Maxent ( Maxant ) -
1770-07-11-01 Notarial Acts, Power of Attorney/Procuration
People: Mazange - , Clermont - , Denis , Garic - , Goudeau ( Gaudeau ) - , Pictet -
1774-10-31-02 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Suit/Claim/Counterclaim
People: Armant [N] , Chaise , Denis , Fazende , Garic - , Labbare , Lachesse , Odoardo ( de Sayas ) - , Unzaga ( y Amezaga ) -

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