Date/ID Type Image
1738-02-20-01 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Germain , Salmon ( 1728 ) - , Lenormand - ( 1738 ) , Roquaucourt / Rocaucourt
1738-03-04-03 Notarial Acts, Lease
People: Louboey , Germain
1738-11-08-05 Judicial Acts, Compiled Record of Court Judgements
People: De Pradel , Joly , Balcour , Bruslé , Dumanoir , Chaperon , Rocancourt , Germain , Salmon ( 1728 ) - , Mathieu
1738-11-08-06 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition of Remonstrance / Claim of Innocence
People: Rocancourt , Hugault , Raguet - , Germain
1739-99-99-01 Notarial Acts, Sale of Slave(s)
People: Germain , de Louboey , ( Louboey ) , Jahan , Roumier , Henry , ( Louboey ) , Bimont / Bimond
1743-01-17-01 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Declaration
People: Germain , Fleuriau
1744-06-29-01 Notarial Acts, Contract for Goods and Services
People: Potin , Germain , Decoux , Lemoine , ( Lemoine ) , Payed / Payev
1745-03-04-02 Notarial Acts, Family Meeting
People: Gosserand , Trenaunay de Chanfret , Aufroy , Germain , Bouchard , Potin , Gosserand , Sudrik / Sudry
1745-03-04-03 Notarial Acts, Inventory
People: Potin , Trenaunay de Chanfret , Aufroy , Germain , Gosserand , Meuillion , Lemoine , Brouillard , Gosserand , Gosserand , Sudrik / Sudry
1745-12-13-02 Notarial Acts, Sale of Slave(s)
People: Germain , Cheval , Cappe , Roblot , ( Cheval ) , Cheval
1745-12-13-03 Notarial Acts, Agreement
People: Germain , Cheval , Cappe , Roblot , ( Germain ) , Cuvillier
1745-12-13-04 Notarial Acts, Agreement
People: Germain , Cuvillier , ( Germain )
1745-12-22-01 Notarial Acts, Marriage Contract
People: Cheval , Germain , Daigle , Picou , Cheval , Cheval , Jahan , Henry , Chantalou - ( 1736 ) , Colombat , Major
1746-03-20-01 Notarial Acts, Sale of Property, Immovable
People: Germain , Cappe , Condot , Gerard
1746-03-29-02 Notarial Acts, Sale of Slave(s)
People: Germain , Roquancourt , St. Amant , Henry , ( Germain ) , Roblot , Stephant
1747-01-25-01 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Trenaunay de Chanfret , Germain , Ricard , Champagne , Rambin , Duroche , Collon , Patin , Provost , Rondot , Rondot
1748-04-30-03 Notarial Acts, Contract for Goods and Services
People: Layssard , Germain , Chantalou - ( 1736 ) , Lenormand - ( 1738 ) , Henry , Layssard
1751-06-24-03 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Deposition/Interrogation/Testimony
People: Germain , Allain , Trenaunay de Chanfret , Croizet , Bergeron , Le Doux , Baron , Aymon , Cote , Marianne , Marianne , Provot , Ruy
1751-06-25-01 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Deposition/Interrogation/Testimony
People: Allain , Germain , Trenaunay de Chanfret , Moron , Cote , Patin , Sarazin , Patin , Decour , Haussy , Decuir , Gruet
1752-01-24-01 Judicial Acts, Criminal Cases/Acts, Investigation
People: Germain , de Chanfret , Lemoyne , Benoit , Mayeux , Rabalay , Patin , Allin , Bonchard , Chenet , Dora , Mayeux
1752-02-01-02 Judicial Acts, Criminal Cases/Acts, Petition
People: Mame , Baron , Le Clerc , Rabalay , Ragon , Martin , Tacinthe , Demarets , Germain , Champignol , Rocancourt , Souderie
1752-02-10-01 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Inquest
People: Mame , Baron , de Chanfret , Germain , Benoit , Demarets , Souderie , Tacinthe
1752-05-06-04 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Judgment / Ruling / Council Decision
People: Vaudreuil , Michel de la Rouvilliere , de Membrede , Le Bretton , de Kernion , Chauvin de Lafreniere, père ( -1749) - , Chantalou - ( 1736 ) , de Chavoy , Camion , Brunet , Guenon / Guénon , Cantrelle , d'Auberville , Petit de Coulange , Germain , Ancelin , Belair , Chauvin , Chenice , Couteau [ Chouteau , Chatau ] , de la Claire , Pommerais ( Pommeraye ) père - , Desrruisseaux , Jonoud , Michel , Visant
1752-07-01-10 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Judgment / Ruling / Council Decision
People: Trudeau , Germain , Delisle , Labrosse , Choutaud , Love , Hynard , Coussine , Deruisseaux , Revoil , Maret , Vaudreuil , Michel , d'Auberville , Demembrede , Le Bretton , Beaudreau , Forestier , Deverbois , Dubois , Le Roy , Cantrelle , Cariton , de LaBoulaye , ( Residents of... ) , de St. Claire , Delalande ( D'Apremont ) - , Delery , Delery , Delomer , Vezin - , Dinan , Du Breuil, fils - , Gonzalles , Jeune , Jeune , Jeune , Kernion , Sassier ( Lesassier ) - , Tarascon - , Nougez , Pommerais ( Pommeraye ) père - , Potin , Rivaud , Rivaud
1753-03-02-01 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Germain , Boyer , Garic - , d'Auberville , Lenormand - ( 1738 )
1753-03-10-03 Judicial Acts, Compiled Record of Court Judgements
People: d'Auberville , de Membrede , Raguet - , de Bellisle , Chauvin de Lafreniere, fils , Le Bretton , Delalande ( D'Apremont ) - , Germain , Dupre , Andre , Bore , Olivier , Cazelard , Bertrand , Boyen , de Kerlerec , Delisle Dupart , Fossier
1753-03-10-04 Judicial Acts, Compiled Record of Court Judgements
People: Trepagnier , Dubuisson , Trepagnier , de Kerlerec , d'Auberville , de Membrede , de Bellisle , Le Bretton , Delalande ( D'Apremont ) - , Chauvin de Lafreniere, fils , Germain , Boyer , Dupre , Bertrand , Dore , Bore , ( Bore ) , Gratien , Daublin , Pujol , Daublin , Daublin , Vezin , Trepagnier , de Makarty , Trepagnier , Trepagnier , Carriere , ( Trepagnier, Ignace) , Cazelard , de Lisle Dupart , Douville , Duplessis , Faussier , Andre , Trepagnier , Vill
1753-08-22-02 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Couilleret , Boyer , Germain , d'Auberville , Lenormand - ( 1738 ) , Barbin
1753-10-06-07 Judicial Acts, Compiled Record of Court Judgements
People: Armand , Duff , Braquier , Vivier , Macarty , Gazan , Senet , Jourdain , Triere , Baudreau, père - (dit Graveline) , Tarascon , Girardy , Turpin , Huchet de Kernion , Prevost , Potin , Prevost , d'Auberville , de Membrede , de Bellisle , Le Bretton , Chauvin de Lafreniere , Hugon , de Chavoy , Renard (Brothers) , Lepelletier, Chevalier de Lahoussaye , De Vaugine , Delfaut de Pontalba , Petit de Livilliers , Duval , Pradel , Poussin (F) , Henry , Lessassier , Godeau , Caue , Germain , Barbin , De la Lande , Delalande ( D'Apremont ) - , de Kerlerec , Jung - , Lejeune , Payen de Chavoye , Rafland , Renard , Renard
1753-11-03-09 Judicial Acts, Compiled Record of Court Judgements
People: d'Auberville , de Membrede , Raguet - , de Bellisle , Le Bretton , Delachaise , Huchet de Kernion , Chauvin de Lafreniere, fils , Pierre , de Gauvry , de Gauvrit , Monleon , Destrehan , de Gauvry , Barbin , de Chavoy , Delfaut de Pontalba , Garic - , Tarascon , Faquier , Derneville , Fleuriau , Germain , Desillets , Raoult , Goudeau , Caue ( Coue )- , Tixerant , Tixerant , Gauvin , Reynaud , Boderon , Castang , Darblet , Maxent ( Maxant ) - , Megret , Kerlerec
1753-11-03-10 Judicial Acts, Compiled Record of Court Judgements
People: de Gauvry , Germain , Barbin , Raoult , Goudeau , Caue , Tixerant , Tixerant , Henry , Gauvin ( Gauvain ) - , Maigrot , Chantalou , Reynaud , Ruellon , Pellerin , Delfaut de Pontalba , Tarascon , Kerlerec , d'Auberville , de Membrede , de Bellisle , Le Bretton , Raguet , Delalande ( D'Apremont ) - , Chauvin de Lafreniere, fils , Amyault d'Ausseville , Chavoy , de Noyan , Delfaut de Pontalba , Garic - , Langlois , Faquier , Desfontaines / Defontaines , Duval , Pradel , Pierre , de Gauvrit , Destrehan , Barbellet , Bodecon , Cheme , de Gauvry , D'Erneville ( Derneville ) - , Desillets , Fleuriau , Le Button , Lestrie , Maxent ( Maxant ) - , Maulion / Maulon / Montleon , Rimbaud , Temaine , Castang
1758-10-16-01 Notarial Acts, Emancipation (of Slave)
People: Germain , de Kerlerec , Thomassin , Belot , Rochémore , de Selegue
1758-12-22-02 Notarial Acts, Power of Attorney/Procuration
People: Germain , Milhet , Thomassin , Songy , Chantalou - ( 1736 ) , Deplas , Chauvin de Lafreniere, fils
1773-08-18-01 Notarial Acts, Succession
People: Mazange - , Galvez - , Duval , Descoudreaux , Le Doux , Tournoir , Manne , Meullion , Rojas ( Roxas ) , ( Baron ) , ( Baron ) , ( Baron ) , Artaud , Balquet , Baron , Baron , Baron , Baron , Baron , Baron , Baron , Baron , Bello ( Belloy ) - , Benoist , Boperon , Bouchard , Broutin - ( 1752 ) , Castillion , Decoux , Decoux , Duval , Emond , Germain , Germain , Lage , Le Blanc , Le Cler , Le Doux , Lessere , Leveau , Manne , Messonier

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