Date/ID Type Image
1765-03-14-01 Notarial Acts, Marriage Contract
People: Brunet , Boyer , Jaubert , Mecheine , Boisdore , Brunet, Jr. , Davie
1767-10-23-01 Notarial Acts, Release/Cancellation of Mortgage/Receipt/Quittance/Discharge/Acquittance
People: Bernard , Gardrat - , Garic - , Gaubert , Mecheine , Soubie -
1769-09-18-03 Notarial Acts, Succession
People: Robert , Ducros , Le Roy , Lambert , La Vergne , Roche , Lauve , Foucault , Aubry* , Lacour (dit Dubourg) , Masson , Mecheine , Robert , Robert , Robert , Robert , Robert , Robert , Roy , Roy Bodmont-Robert

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