Free and universal access to the region’s most significant foundational documents
Date/ID | Type | Image |
1736-01-04-01 |
Notarial Acts, Contract for Goods and Services
People: Bancio Piemont , Salmon ( 1728 ) - |
1737-06-01-07 |
Notarial Acts, Power of Attorney/Procuration
People: Laserre / Lassere / Lasere / Lasserre , Chasseriau , Bancio Piemont , Rasteau , Raineaux / Reinaut , Girard , Nouveau , Montreuil , Beraudin |
1737-07-10-02 |
Notarial Acts, Contract for Goods and Services
People: Gallot , Bizoton , Henry , Salmon ( 1728 ) - , Bancio Piemont |
1737-08-16-03 |
Notarial Acts, Acknowledgment
People: Henry , Gallot , Bancio Piemont , Larche Grandpré |
1737-10-11-02 |
Private Documents, Receipt
People: Bancio Piemont , Henry , de Benac |
1738-02-26-03 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Bancio Piemont , Rateau , Salmon ( 1728 ) - , Chasserion Laisne , Dehulquod , Lassere , Lenormand - ( 1738 ) |
1738-03-17-02 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Bancio Piemont , Salmon ( 1728 ) - , Grandidier |
1738-03-17-03 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Bancio Piemont , Ferchaud , Grandidier , Salmon ( 1728 ) - |
1738-04-19-01 |
Notarial Acts, Certified Statement
People: Bancio Piemont , Le Vasseur , Laserre / Lassere / Lasere / Lasserre , Henry , Hemery |
1738-04-19-02 |
Notarial Acts, Power of Attorney/Procuration
People: Bancio Piemont , Henry , Le Vasseur |
1738-07-19-01 |
Notarial Acts, Obligation / Bill
People: Giscard , Bancio Piemont , Roumier , Jahan , Henry , Jaffre |
1738-07-27-01 |
Private Documents, Receipt
People: Meuillon , Bancio Piemont , Meuillon |
1738-07-29-01 |
Notarial Acts, Obligation / Bill
People: Larche Grandpré , Bancio Piemont , Gallot , Roumier , Henry |
1738-09-25-03 |
Notarial Acts, Inventory
People: Descairac , Le Bretton , Fleuriau , Pery , de Coustilhas , Faucon Dumanoir , Company of Indies , Dreux , Darby , Lenormand - ( 1738 ) , Henry , Gonzalle , Prat , Bancio Piemont , Rasteau , Herbert , Cendret |
1738-10-08-03 |
Notarial Acts, Inventory
People: Bruslé , Amyault d'Ausseville , Faucon Dumanoir , Company of Indies , Lenormand - ( 1738 ) , Fleuriau , Henry , Piquery , Prat , Mayeux , Bancio Piemont , Caue ( Coue )- , Chapron , Le Bretton , Pery |
1738-10-10-03 |
Notarial Acts, Power of Attorney/Procuration
People: de Favrot , Brusle , Roumier , Bancio Piemont , Henry |
1738-11-08-03 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Report of Procurator General
People: Lasonde , Company of Indies , Chapron , Mayeux , Pery , Bancio Piemont , Bruslé , Fleuriau , Caue ( Coue )- , Chauvin de Lafreniere, père ( -1749) - |
1738-12-07-01 |
Private Documents, Certificate
People: Bancio Piemont , Jeanel |
1739-04-27-02 |
Notarial Acts, Protest, Note of
People: Bancio Piemont , Du Breuil , Henry |
1739-04-27-03 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Bancio Piemont , Du Breuil , Salmon ( 1728 ) - , Lenormand - ( 1738 ) |
1739-04-27-04 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Memorandum
People: Bancio Piemont |
1739-04-28-03 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Marsilly , Capuchin Fathers , Bancio Piemont , Salmon ( 1728 ) - , Lenormand - ( 1738 ) , DuBreuil, pere - |
1739-05-04-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Suit/Claim/Counterclaim
People: Bancio Piemont , Henry , Perfuto |
1739-05-09-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Inquest
People: Perfuto , Bancio Piemont , Gonzalle , Henry |
1739-05-15-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Judgment / Ruling / Council Decision
People: Du Breuil , Bancio Piemont , Henry |
1739-05-16-01 |
Notarial Acts, Agreement
People: Bancio Piemont , Perfuto , Henry |
1739-06-03-01 |
Private Documents, Invoice / Account of Purchases
People: Harang / Harant , Bancio Piemont |
1739-07-25-04 |
Administrative Acts, Marine Account
People: Larche Grandpré , Bancio Piemont |
1739-07-26-02 |
Notarial Acts, Acknowledgment
People: Larche Grandpré , Bancio Piemont , Jahan , Roumier , Henry |
1739-08-24-02 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Succession, Report on Inventory
People: Dupare , Volant , St. Martin , Du Breuil , Morisset , Grondet , Bancio Piemont , Diedrik |
1739-09-03-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Succession, Seals, Affixing / Removal of
People: Bobé Descloseaux - , Amyault d'Ausseville , Jaffre , Fleuriau , Lenormand - ( 1738 ) , Poisat , Marsilly , Company of Indies , De Pradel , Macarty , Lefebvre , Gauvain , Cariton , Bancio Piemont , Faucon Dumanoir , Leveque , Pierron vendosme , de la Pommeraye , ( Harang ) , Benoit Giscat , Harang / Harant |
1739-09-25-03 |
Notarial Acts, Inventory
People: Ferchaud , Bobé Descloseaux - , Amyault d'Ausseville , Meunier , Lenormand - ( 1738 ) , Fleuriau , Cariton , Prat , Poisat , Bancio Piemont , Fillart |
1739-09-29-03 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Succession, Seals, Affixing / Removal of
People: Bobé Descloseaux - , Trudeau , de la Pommeraye , Lalande Dalcour , Fleuriau , Lenormand - ( 1738 ) , Morisset , Juzan , Bancio Piemont , Carriere , Pictet , Assailly , Rasteau , Cendret , [ Religious - Capuchin ] , Loquet de La Pommeraye |
1739-10-10-04 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition of Remonstrance / Claim of Innocence
People: Bancio Piemont , Dubreuil , Henry |
1739-10-20-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Opposition / Rejoinder / Answer
People: Bancio Piemont , Ferchaud |
1739-11-19-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition of Remonstrance / Claim of Innocence
People: Bancio Piemont , Du Breuil , Henry |
1739-12-17-03 |
Private Documents, Memorandum (Accounts Due, etc...)
People: Bancio Piemont , Dupar (F) |
1739-12-17-04 |
Private Documents, Statement of Effects
People: Dupar (F) , Bancio Piemont , Dupar |
1739-12-27-03 |
Notarial Acts, Sale of Property, Immovable
People: Bellair , Bancio Piemont , Roumier , Jahan , Henry , Neveux |
1739-12-28-03 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Bancio Piemont , Aufrere , Salmon ( 1728 ) - |
1739-12-28-04 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Bancio Piemont , Lemoine , Salmon ( 1728 ) - |
1740-01-05-02 |
Notarial Acts, Deposit (Act of)
People: Ferand , Bancio Piemont , Henry , Louis |
1740-02-07-01 |
Notarial Acts, Obligation / Bill
People: Hays , Bourgine , Jahan , Roumier , Henry , de Moran , Demorant , Bancio Piemont |
1740-02-29-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Opposition / Rejoinder / Answer
People: Cloche de St. Aignet , Bancio Piemont , Cloches, Chevalier de St. Agnet , Paquier |
1740-02-29-02 |
Notarial Acts, Acknowledgment
People: Bancio Piemont , Turpin , Roumier , Jahan , Henry |
1740-04-08-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Succession, Memorandum of Account
People: Bruslé , Bruslé , Bancio Piemont , Amyault d'Ausseville |
1740-05-07-04 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Suit/Claim/Counterclaim
People: Bancio Piemont , Baudemont , Henry |
1740-06-08-01 |
Notarial Acts, Inventory
People: Liberge , Amyault d'Ausseville , Guillon , Fleuriau , Lenormand - ( 1738 ) , Le Cour , Henry , Bancio Piemont |
1740-08-30-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Bancio Piemont , Salmon ( 1728 ) - , Lenormand - ( 1738 ) , Janet |
1740-09-20-03 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Bancio Piemont , Salmon ( 1728 ) - , Lenormand - ( 1738 ) , Herbert / Hebert |
1740-12-21-01 |
Private Documents, Memorandum (Accounts Due, etc...)
People: La Pierre , Henry , Bancio Piemont |
1741-04-27-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Cailly , Bancio Piemont , Cailly , Salmon ( 1728 ) - , Lenormand - ( 1738 ) , Dalcour / Dalcourt |
1741-05-03-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Complaint (of False Witness, etc...)
People: Bancio Piemont , De la Lande , Lenormand - ( 1738 ) , Salmon ( 1728 ) - |
1741-09-05-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Bancio Piemont , Bonnet , Prestre , Christophe , Salmon ( 1728 ) - , Lenormand - ( 1738 ) |
1741-09-19-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Statement of Account
People: Herbert , Bancio Piemont , Fleuriau |
1741-09-20-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Complaint (of False Witness, etc...)
People: Herbert / Hebert , Bancio Piemont |
1741-09-20-02 |
Private Documents, Certificate
People: Herbert , Bancio Piemont , Gautreau , Cantrelle , Merle , Ozenne |
1741-09-21-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Suit/Claim/Counterclaim
People: Bancio Piemont , Herbert / Hebert , Salmon ( 1728 ) - , Lenormand - ( 1738 ) |
1741-09-21-02 |
Notarial Acts, Agreement
People: Bancio Piemont , Herbert / Hebert , Salmon ( 1728 ) - , Bobé Descloseaux - , Prat , Raguet |
1741-09-26-03 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Suit/Claim/Counterclaim
People: Bancio Piemont , Mayeux , Bourgine , Salmon ( 1728 ) - , Lenormand - ( 1738 ) , Mayeux , Pasquier |
1741-09-26-04 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Deposition/Interrogation/Testimony
People: Bancio Piemont , Bourgine , Pasquier , Mayeux |
1741-11-04-05 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Judgment / Ruling / Council Decision
People: Bancio Piemont , Bernoudy , Prestre |
1741-11-23-01 |
Private Documents, Certificate
People: Assailly , Bancio Piemont , Jahan |
1741-12-20-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Bancio Piemont , Bourgine , Pasquier , Salmon ( 1728 ) - , Mayeux de L'Ormaison / Lormaison , Mayeux de Lormaison (F) |
1741-12-23-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Auction/Sheriff's Sale
People: Prevost , Bancio Piemont , Salmon ( 1728 ) - , Fleuriau , Mayeux de L'Ormaison / Lormaison |
1742-10-31-05 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Suit/Claim/Counterclaim
People: Bancio Piemont , Salmon ( 1728 ) - , Lenormand - ( 1738 ) , Derbanne |
1742-10-31-06 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Suit/Claim/Counterclaim
People: Bancio Piemont , La Vergne , Salmon ( 1728 ) - |
1743-01-12-03 |
Judicial Acts, Compiled Record of Court Judgements
People: Paillon / Paillou , Cariton , Larche , Piemont , Blanpain , Bancio Piemont , La Vergne , Taillefer , Roman , Trepagnier , Trenaunay de Chanfret , Pery , Sebey , Corriou , Couprie , Derbanne , Germain , Guerin (F) , La Cler , Taillefer |
1743-03-05-01 |
Notarial Acts, Agreement
People: Bancio Piemont , Hemery , Le Vasseur , Laserre / Lassere / Lasere / Lasserre , Henry , Boyd, fils , Boyd, père , du Hulcant |
1743-07-06-03 |
Judicial Acts, Compiled Record of Court Judgements
People: Brunet , Bancio Piemont , Barbin , Brosset , Le Gros , Jahan , Volant , Assailly , Aubert , de Mondretoi |
1743-07-20-03 |
Private Documents, Receipt
People: Degruis , Bancio Piemont |
1744-01-07-03 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Bancio Piemont , Livet , Salmon ( 1728 ) - , Chantalou - ( 1736 ) , Livet |
1744-02-01-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Judgment / Ruling / Council Decision
People: Bancio Piemont , Barbin , Layssard , Aufrere , Piemont , Livet , Fleuriau , Salmon ( 1728 ) - , Blanpin , Raguet - , Trudeau |
1746-02-15-01 |
Notarial Acts, Power of Attorney/Procuration
People: Bancio Piemont , Blavout |
1746-02-15-02 |
Notarial Acts, Minutes of Meeting
People: Bancio Piemont , Bourgine |
1746-03-10-04 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Lenormand - ( 1738 ) , Bancio Piemont , Tesson , Caron , Blaveau , Caron , Caron |
1746-03-10-05 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Bancio Piemont , Tesson , Caron |
1746-03-17-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Bancio Piemont , Blaveau , de la Brosse |
1746-03-18-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Bancio Piemont , Bourgine |
1746-04-01-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Deposition/Interrogation/Testimony
People: Bancio Piemont , La Brosse |
1746-04-02-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Deposition/Interrogation/Testimony
People: Tesson , Caron , Caron , Bancio Piemont , Blaveau |
1746-05-12-02 |
Notarial Acts, Sale of Slave(s)
People: Fremont , Bancio Piemont , Chantalou - ( 1736 ) , Henry , ( Bancio Piemont ) , Lenormand - ( 1738 ) |
1746-06-02-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Bancio Piemont , Borgine |
1746-06-04-02 |
Judicial Acts, Compiled Record of Court Judgements
People: Fabry , Bancio Piemont , Bourgine , Prevost , Gallot , Ferand |
1746-06-28-02 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Hearing
People: Bancio Piemont , Bourgine |
1746-08-03-01 |
Notarial Acts, Power of Attorney/Procuration
People: Bourgine , Bancio Piemont , de la Brosse , Jahan , Henry |
1746-08-04-03 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Suit/Claim/Counterclaim
People: Bancio Piemont , Bourgine , Le Brosse |
1746-08-06-02 |
Judicial Acts, Compiled Record of Court Judgements
People: Dupart , Larche , Provenche , Bancio Piemont , Maigrot , Baudemont , Broutin - |
1746-08-22-02 |
Administrative Acts, Petition (to sell property, etc.)
People: Bancio Piemont , Lenormand - ( 1738 ) |
1746-08-24-02 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Bancio Piemont , Bourgine , Lenormand - ( 1738 ) , Raguet - |
1746-08-24-05 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Bancio Piemont , Bourgine , Lenormand - ( 1738 ) , Raguet - |
1746-09-01-01 |
Notarial Acts, Acknowledgment
People: Bancio Piemont , Caue ( Coue )- , Caue |
1746-09-08-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Judgment / Ruling / Council Decision
People: de Mandeville , Hubert , Barbin , Layssard Bros. , Blanpain , Bancio Piemont , Dubois , Judice , Christina , Roujot , Broutin - , Chantalou - ( 1736 ) , Cousin , Desloriers , Desoriers , Dupre , Voisin, pere ( 1729 ) - |
1746-10-24-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Bancio Piemont , Moreau , Bourgine , Lemoyne , Lenormand - ( 1738 ) |
1746-10-24-02 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Bancio Piemont , Bourgine , De la Brosi , Lenormand - ( 1738 ) , Raguet - |
1746-12-05-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Bancio Piemont , de la Brosse |
1747-01-07-01 |
Judicial Acts, Compiled Record of Court Judgements
People: Bancio Piemont , Le Moine , Barbin , Lemoyne , Mathieu , Trepagnier |
1747-01-14-04 |
Notarial Acts, Marriage Contract
People: Bancio Piemont , Raguet |
1747-05-06-05 |
Judicial Acts, Compiled Record of Court Judgements
People: Rasteau , Dumanoir , Malo , Chantalou - ( 1736 ) , Bancio Piemont , Jung , Pery , La Croix , Clermont , Mathieu , Belhome , de Coigne , Lowe , Quartier , Tasein |
1747-07-11-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Bancio Piemont , Blanpain |
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