Date/ID Type Image
1763-05-13-01 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Declaration
People: Thiton , de Veriguy , Laporte , Bunel , Besse , Pellerin , Arrive , Baret , Broutin - ( 1752 ) , Cabrera , Daide , Dubreuil Desmarchoir (F) , Garic - , Langery , Pellerin
1788-05-02-01 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Brun , Ballerter , Besse , Blanco , Calzada , Carossinis , Coulin , Fornier , Galbez , Giovanni , Jouvin , Navarro - , Perdomo ( 1775 ) - , Praire , Quiñones ( Quinones ) - , Reboul , Rosa , Sabatier , Serrano - , Villavaso -

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