Free and universal access to the region’s most significant foundational documents
Date/ID | Type | Image |
1763-04-29-01 |
Notarial Acts, Sale of Property, Movable, Ship/Boat/Barge
People: Viviat , Bary ( Barry ) - ( 1757 ) , Bollos , Broutin - ( 1752 ) , Reggio ( change>1758 ) - , Ducros ( change>1752 ) - , de Vergès ( change>1728 ) - , Eglise , Foucher ( 1745 ) , Gradenigo , Monnillier |
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1763-04-30-02 |
Notarial Acts, Obligation / Bill
People: Lacoste , Viviat , Bary , Gradenigo , Devergez , De Reggio , Ducros , Eglise |
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1763-04-30-03 |
Notarial Acts, Mortgage
People: Viviat , Molinier Beaulon & Company , Gradenigo , Broutin - ( 1752 ) , Reggio, Sr. ( 1758 ) - , Verges ( Duverges ) ( 1728 ) - , DuCros ( de Lucinge ) ( 1752 ), pere - , Eglise |
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1790-04-27-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Collection / Demand for Payment of a Note / Debt
People: ( Durousseau ) , Armesto - , Bello , Brunet , Durousseau , Forstall / Forstal , Fromentin ( Fromantin ) - , Gradenigo , Liotau - , Miró ( Miro ) - , Pedesclaux - , Picard , Postigo ( y Balderrama ) - , Quiñones ( Quinones ) - |
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1791-03-24-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Collection / Demand for Payment of a Note / Debt
People: Ximenes , Gradenigo , Stefian |
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1793-01-02-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Collection / Demand for Payment of a Note / Debt
People: Allemand , Alvin , Amafi , Amop , Annolle , Armond , Aynes , Barbea , Barre - , Barron , Baudern , Bautista , Bay , Beauvais , Bensonville , Bernard , Bertrand , Bibbu , Blackburn , Blanchard , Blommart , Bouker , Bouker , Bouker , Bouker , Boullay , Bounelte , Boyd , Bradley , Bradley , Buchan , Bulhar , Burdelon , Burrous , Burth , Campbell , Hector - ( Baron de Carondelet ) , Carran , Carter , Chivruto , Christian , Coles , Collete , Collim , Collimon , Compte , Comyn , Comyns / Comins , Cox , Darbonne , Davin , de Foca , Calvo , Lovio , Debordes , Dedvigt , Deltz , Devere , Devin , Diard , Dirse , Donald , Donnithorne , Dowe , Ducrel , Dueño , Duforest - , Duhon , Duon , Dupont , Elliot , Elliot , Ellis , Eynes , Fairchild , Falk , Farrar , Fenier , Ferguson , Fernandez , Fitzpatrick , Forster , Fry , Gaillard , Gaillard , Garcon , Geay , Germaine , Gilehurst , Gooding , Gradenigo , Guerre , Harrison , Harrison , Hart , Hernandez , Heynard , Hicks , Hionn , Hoiren , Holly , Huisen , Jeoffryon , Joner , Joner , Jordan , Karrick , Lachain , Ladmirande , Lacaye , Lamathe , Lantar , Lapointe , Lavallie , Liotau - , Litt , Lunis , Machne , Malinu , Masricot , Mather , Mathew , Matulich - , Mazcia , McIntosh , McIntosh , Mericult / Merieult , Merino , Methode , Milli , Miponiere , Mirchaly , Mitchell , Mofs , Monsante , Morgan , Morrin , Murdock , Nash , Nash , Norwood - , Nurman , Ogur , Olniur , Oneil , Orandell , Orange , Pickles , Ponfoctt , Porche , Porche , Poidras ( Poydras ) - , Proffit ( Profit ) - , Ramilton , Rodriguez - , Rop , Ropli , Rud , Rufe , Serrano - , Serrazin , Seyspe , Shuhic , Smith , Smith , Stephenson , Sulser / Sulzer , Tannon , Thomas , Thomas , Toficor , Tonnovi , Topaz , Torres , Tovey , Vaughan , Vendong , Vhulstone , Villuni , Vocime , Wackernie - , Walker , Warkim , Watson , West , Willing , Willur , Wiltz , Ximenez ( Ximenes ) - |
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1793-01-02-02 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Collection / Demand for Payment of a Note / Debt
People: Allemand , Alvin , Amiolle , Amop , Armant , Armond , Aynes , Barber , Baron , Barre - , Barron , Baudern , Bay , Bentonville , Bernard , Bertrand , Biaursais , Bibbie , Bis , Blackburn , Blanchard , Blommart , Bonnette , Booker , Booker , Boullay , Bowker , Bowker , Boyd , Bradley , Bradley , Buchan , Bulhar , Burdelon , Burrows , Bush , Calvo , Campbell , Hector - ( Baron de Carondelet ) , Carter , Castles , Castles , Cave , Christian , Coles , Collett , Collins , Collinson , Comyn , Comyns / Comins , Confran de la Granada , Coudiniere , Cox , Cunningham , Darbonne , Davin , Debordes , Dedoigt , Deltz , Devine , Devise , Diard , Donald , Donnithorne , Dowe , Duciel , Duforest - , Duon , Dupont , Dutton , Duval , Elliot , Ellis , Eynes , Fairchild , Farrar , Fastos , Fernandez , Finymon , Fitzpatrick , de Foca , Folk , Forster , Gaillard , Gaillard , Garcon , Germaine , Gilchrist , Glater , Gooding , Gradenigo , Gray , Hamilton , Hardy , Harrison , Harrison , Hart , Hicks , Hiorn , Holly , Hordel , Inman , Jannon , Jeoffryon , Jones , Jones / Jons / Yons , Jones , Jordan , Carrick , Keysen , Kisfe , Lachaise , Lachaurette , Ladmirande , Lamiathe , Lamoine , Lapointe , Lavallie , Le Doux , Lewis , Little , Lovio , Luis , Luscombe , Macline , Malinu , Marchand , Marcia , Marshall , Massicot , Mather ( Meder ) , Mathew , Mattulish , McCarran , McIntosh , McIntosh , Mericult / Merieult , Merino , Merino , Methode , Meynard , Mills , Miponiere , Mitchell , Monsanto , Morgan , Morrice , Murdock , Nash , Nash , Neale , Newman , Newman , Norwood - , Olivier , Oneil , Orandell , Orange , Perez - , Pickles , Pomet , Ponfoctt , Porche , Porche , Porche , Poidras ( Poydras ) - , Proffit ( Profit ) - , Rabbalie , Rabien , Reed , Richie , Richie , Rocheblave , Rodriguez - , Rofs , Ropli , Rose , Roufou , Rufs , Senacine , Serrano - , Smith , Smith , Stephenson , Strother , Stuart , Tefrior , Thomas , Thulstone , Tonnoir , Topaz , Vaughan , Vendong , Ventura ( Morales ) - , Villuni , Voisine , Wackerny , Walker , Watkins , Watson , West , Wilcoff , Willier , Willing , Wiltz , Ximenez ( Ximenes ) - , Zrist |
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1793-04-11-02 |
Notarial Acts, Will/Testament
People: ( Brunet ) , ( Brunet ) , ( Brunet ) , ( Brunet ) , ( Brunet ) , ( Brunet ) , ( Brunet ) , Aman , Andrews , Archinard , Armand , Aucoin , Ayala , Badillo - , Banckett , Baribo , Barjean , Barre , Barre , Baudreau , Beaulieu , Beaulieu , Belair , Belard , Bellair , Bellair , Bello , Benoist , Benoist , Berger , Bergerader , Bertin , Bervic , Blake , Bogard , Boisdore , Boisdore , Boismorel , Bojoier , Bonzil , Bossier , Botard , Boubris , Bouchard , Boudousquier , Bouley , Bourassa , Bourg , Boute , Boutin , Boutin , Boyau , Braneur , Branle , Branton , Brasseux , Bridon , Brignan , Broussard , Broussard , Broutin , Brown , Brunet , Brunet , Brunet , Brunet , Brunet , Brunet , Brunet , Bujeau , Burnet , Caillavet , Calaghan , Calvo , Camano , Camarsau , Cany , Caratch , Carbonnel , Carmay , Hector - ( Baron de Carondelet ) , Carrel , Carriere , Carron , Cazaret , Cendre , Chabot ( Jr. ) - , Chacheré / Chacheret , Charles , Chevalier , Chiasson , Choisser , Chretien , Collins, Jr. , Coleman , Commeau , Como , Cordonnier , Corkin , Cormier , Creger , Crosck , Daniel , Danselin , Dargeau , Desbordes , Declouet , DeClouet , Declouet , Decuir , Dejean , Demarats , Denelos , Dennarais , Dennis , Desbordes , Desbordes , Desmarais , Despande , Despeaux , Devillier , Dollony , Doucet , Duclos , Ducret , Duforest - , Duplanty , Duplechin , Duplessis , Duralde , Dusiau , Ellis , Emand , Enoch , Escoffier , Etienne , Ewing , Fairchild , Farron , Favre , Fernandez , Figuron , Fisoneau , Folton , Fonde , Fontenau , Fontenau , Fonteneau , Fontenau , Fonteneau , Fonteneau , Foorman , Forest , Forstall , Fortier , Foubert , Fourine , Francoeur , Frederic , Frederick , Frederick , Freiwiek , Friser , Fromentin , Fruge , Fuentes , Gardel , Garret , Gilchrist , Girod , Giron , Gomez - , Gradenigo , Grange , Gravier , Grenoble , Groue , Guichard , Guillory , Guillory , Guillory , Guillory , Guinault ( change>1783 ) - , Hanchett , Hancket , Harman , Hays , Hays , Hergereder , Hinard , Hisnard , Holand , Hollier , Holt , de la Houssaye , Inacio , Ingrim , Isnard , Jeansone , Jeansonne , Jeune , Joannes , Le Kintrek , Knight , Lasassier , Lacaze , Lacaze , Lambremont , Lamirande , Morandiere , Lanobliere , Laperche , La Pradel , Laronde , Larsanches , Lasonde , Laurin , Lauve , Lavergne , Lavigne , Leal , Ledoux , Ledoux , Ledoux , Ledoux , Leger , Leger , Lemaire - , Lemelle , Lemelle , Lemesle , Lemos ( y Amorin ) - , Lenelos , Leonard , Leonard , Lepale , Lesassier , Levasseur , Lindicons , Linnault , Liotau - , Little , Loisel , Lopes , Lorty , Luengo - , Macarty , Manne , Manuel , Marcantel , Marcenaro , Marcos , Martin , Mattois , Maurisso , McCauley , McConn , McCormier , McDanel , McKoy , McLauglin , McLauglin , McSiack , Masonic / Meisouier , Mendez ( Mendes ) - , Meullion , Mills , Modena , Ventura ( Morales ) - , Moreau , Moreson , Morony , Mouton , Neuville , Newgent , Nieves , Noillion , Normand , Noucet , Nuckles , Odom , Olier , Olinard , Ortega , Parsanckes , Pecheret , Pedesclaux - , Pellerin , Perdomo ( 1775 ) - , Perea , Perez , Perkings , Perrault , Picard , Piernas , Pitman , Ploey , Poiret , Pont , Populus , Puente , Quiñones ( Quinones ) - , Ramirez , Ramos , Ranier , Rasseur , Reds , Reel , Richard , Richard , Rider , Rieux , Rine , Riper , Riter , Rivera , Robert , Rodriguez , Rodriguez - , Roman , Roquigny , Rougot , Rousseau , Sabo , Sabot , Salcedo - , Sapatero , Sassier , Saunier , Segond, Jr. - , Shennell , ( DeReggio ) , Simarre , Soileau , Stout , Surget , Terry , Tessier , Teuriac , Thennel , Thery , Tibodeaux , Tissoneau , Tissono , Toca , Tompson , Trahan , Vale , Vale , Valle , Veickles , Veillon , Veillon , Vidal - , Vidrine , Vieux , Villard , Villebeuvre - , Villier , Villun , Vizier , Voillion , Wable , Walker , Walton , Wayble , Wayble , Wells , Wells , Wels , Wels , West , Will , Wing , Winter , Woakin , Wokarny , Ximenez ( Ximenes ) - |
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1793-04-13-01 |
Notarial Acts, Marriage Contract
People: Badillo - , Balangue , Barcelona , Bello , Bouchard , Brunet , Brunet , Brunet , Bunnier , Camano , Canaud , Hector - ( Baron de Carondelet ) , Chachere , Costade , Cotto , Danne , Desbordes , Declouet , Declouet , Declouet , Delahogue , Duforest - , Esteve , Filledier , Floissac , Forstall , Fortier , Gomez - , Gradenigo , Guinault ( change>1783 ) - , Hinard , Hinard , Hisnard , Hourclatz , Calvo , Kecollins , Lauve , Lavergne , Le Kintrek , Lemaire - , Lemelle , Lemos ( y Amorin ) - , Liotau - , Loydre , Macarty , Mendez ( Mendes ) - , Mintet , Modena , Mollier , Moreau , Moreson , Pedesclaux - , Petit , Piernas - , Poiret , Poupet , Quintanilla , Rivera , Rodriguez - , Senechal , Soulie , Truchot , Vidal - , Wackernie - , Ximenez ( Ximenes ) - |
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1793-05-22-01 |
Judicial Acts, Criminal Cases/Acts, Suit / Claim / Counterclaim
People: ( Chatelain ) , ( Chatelain ) , ( Chatelain ) , ( Decuir ) , ( Mayeux ) , ( Mayeux ) , ( Poydras ) , ( Soileau ) , ( Soileau ) , ( Soileau ) , ( Soileau, then Poydras) , Allain , Armesto - , Assereto , Badillo - , Bertoniere ( Bertonniere ) - , Boilrin , Bordelon , Bordelon , Boudousquie , Hector - ( Baron de Carondelet ) , Chatelain , Cheneverd , Choisser , Decuir , Decuir , Derbigny , Deveau , Ducote , Dufiet / Dufief , Duforest - , Duparc , Duplaichein , Dupuy , Duralde , Gaignard , Garcelier , Gautier , Gradenigo , Gradenigo , Gradenigo , Grisey , Guillory , Guinault ( 1783 ) - , Heberard , Joffrion , Junaux , Laborde , Lacour , Lamoureux , Laporte , Ledoux , Lemoine , Lemoine , Lemoine , Lemos ( y Amorin ) - , Lesassier , Liotau - , Lugar , Malbert , Mayeux , Mayeux , Mayeux , Morandiere , Olivier , Pampalon , Pedesclaux - , Perea , Pomony , Poulus , Poidras ( Poydras ) - , Precoeur , Quiñones ( Quinones ) - , Sandre , Serrano - , Soileau , St. Romain , Tauriac , Tournier , Vidal - , Villard |
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1795-02-20-02 |
Subject Unknown - Damaged Document/Unreadable
People: Aguilar , Agustin , Alburquerque , Arroyo , Badillo - , Baudrau , Bernal , Burleigh , Camarena , Hector - ( Baron de Carondelet ) , Casabona , Chiasson , Chretien , Collell , Duforest - , Duralde , Enequen , Espinosa , Failde , Garcia , Garcia , Gradenigo , Gradenigo , Nobiliere , Lavergne , Liberge , Lopez , Mier , Miguelena , Munoz , Navas , Pastor , Perpinan , Quintana , Rebollon , Rendon , Roche , Serrano - , Smith , San Maxent , Ximenez ( Ximenes ) - |
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1795-06-02-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Collection / Demand for Payment of a Note / Debt
People: ( Bello ) , ( Durousseau ) , ( Durousseau ) , ( Durousseau ) , ( Durousseau ) , ( Durousseau ) , ( Durousseau ) , Andry - , Armesto - , Ayala , Badillo - , Barre - , Barriere , Beauregard , Bello - , Bello ( Belloy ) - , Bellon , Bosch , Boutte , Brion , Broutin - ( 1752 ) , Brunet , Calvo , Hector - ( Baron de Carondelet ) , Chabot , Clark - , Decournau , Dubrocat / Dubroguard , Ducournau , Ducros, fils - , Duforest - , Durousseau , Durousseau , Durousseau , Durousseau , Duval , Fernandez , Fonvergne - , Forstall / Forstal , Forstall , Gayne , Gannier , Giraudeau , Gomez - , Gradenigo , Guinault ( 1783 ) - , Lacaze , Lavergne , Lesassier , Liotau - , Macarty , Mercantel , Moore , Morandiere , Moreau , Pedesclaux - , Perea , Poeyfarré ( Poeyfarre ) - , Quiñones ( Quinones ) - , Riviere , Sarpy , Tramazaigue , Vidal - , Vigniron , Ximenez ( Ximenes ) - |
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