Date/ID Type Image
1790-01-26-01 Administrative Acts, Authorization (to sell house, etc.)
People: ( Bougaud ) , ( Merot ) , Alliez / Alies , Bougaud , Laistre , Larrieux , Liotau - , Merot , Morris / Moris , Ortega - , Pedesclaux - , Pomet , Paouilhac & Co.
1790-01-26-02 Administrative Acts, Authorization (to sell house, etc.)
People: ( Bougaud ) , ( Bougaud ) , ( Bougaud ) , ( Bougaud ) , ( Bougaud ) , Beaugead , Beauregard , Bougaud , Denys , Haries , Liotau - , Ortega - , Paouilhac & Co. , Pedesclaux - , Pomet

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