Date/ID Type Image
1787-12-17-01 Administrative Acts, Application / Request Permission
People: Visoso ( Vizoso )- , Trevilla , Zamora , Monlon ( Monllon ) - , Aranda , Chauvin , Lovio , Mendez ( Mendes ) - , Ravina - , Badillo - , Bardon , Beauregard, fils - , Borrio , Campos , Delgado , Evia , Gorget , Louis , Macarty , Marquez , Miró ( Miro ) - , Muñoz , Perdomo ( 1775 ) - , Postigo ( y Balderrama ) - , Rosales , Solis , Tomas / Thomas
1790-03-22-04 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Badillo - , Carcasses , Chauvin , Chauvin , Macarty , Monrroy , Ortega - , Pedesclaux - , Perdomo ( 1775 ) - , Rodriguez
1801-01-28-01 Notarial Acts, Sale of Property, Immovable
People: Chauvin , Douville , Chauvin , Chauvin , Badillo - , Argote - , Macarty , Chauvin , Pedesclaux -

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