Free and universal access to the region’s most significant foundational documents
Date/ID | Type | Image |
1792-05-04-02 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Collection / Demand for Payment of a Note / Debt
People: Johnson , Hector - ( Baron de Carondelet ) , Girault , Camus , Odom , Moore , Pedesclaux - , ( Truly ) , ( Truly ) , ( Truly ) , Baily / Bailey , Balk , Boyd , Carradine , Chachere , Cole , Cole , Duforest - , Dumbar , Forman , Lemos ( y Amorin ) - , Holt , Homes , Irwin , Lintot , Liotau - , Mather and Strothers , McCabe , Miró ( Miro ) - , Moore , Pré , Purvoim , Ross , Saure , Savage , Soler ( Solere ) - , Thomston , Trully , Truly / Trully , Vidal |
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1794-05-27-03 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Collection / Demand for Payment of a Note / Debt
People: ( Monsanto ) , ( Monsanto ) , ( Monsanto ) , ( Monsanto ) , ( Monsanto ) , ( Monsanto ) , ( Monsanto ) , ( Monsanto ) , ( Monsanto ) , ( Monsanto ) , ( Monsanto ) , ( Monsanto ) , ( Monsanto ) , ( Monsanto ) , ( Monsanto ) , ( Monsanto ) , ( Monsanto ) , ( Monsanto ) , Abrams , Alexander , Alexander , Alison , Alston / Aliston , Archinard , Armstrong , Babin , Badillo - , Becker / Baker , Bacon , Balk , Banks , Barland , Bengaman , Birds , Bonner , Bonner , Bools , Brizeno , Brocus , Brossard , Brown , Bryan , Burling , Burnet , Burnet , Butler , Calahan , Calvo , Calwet , Calwet , Carcasses , Carne , Carol , Hector - ( Baron de Carondelet ) , Carrick , Carter , Carter , Carter , Carter , Carter , Cason , Cavalier , Chabot , Chambers , Charbonnet , Chouriac , Cobb , Coborn , Cochran , Coen , Coleman , Coleman , Coles , Coles , Cook , Cooper , Cooper , Cooper , Cory , Cory , Crest , Creger , Dautelly / Dantilly , Daubet , Dayton , Decuir , Dorroch , Dow - , Duforest - , Dunbar , Dunn , Duval , Elliot , Ellis , Ellis , Ellis , Erben / Irwin , Erven , Essex , Farley , Fastio , Ferguson , Fernandez , Fife , Filt , Fipps , Fipps , Flower , Fordese , Foster , Freeman , Gibson , Gibson , Gilbert , Girault , Glascok - Glasscock , Green , Green , Guinault ( 1783 ) - , Hamilton , Harman , Harrison , Hartley , Hayes , Heady , Henderson , Henderson , Henderson , Higdon , Holt , Homes , Honter , Hubbard , Injo , Jabery , Johnston , Jones , Jordan , Kelly , King , King , King , Kirkwood , Lachapela , Lafitte , Lalande , Lambert , Landry , Larouille , Laserre , Leconte , Lee , Legret , Lelis , Lemos ( y Amorin ) - , Liotau - , Livaudais , Livaudais , Lovio , Lume , Lusky , Maget , Makay , Manadu , Martin , McCollaugh , McFarland , Mendez ( Mendes ) - , Mercantel , Mese , Mese , Mitchell , Miller , Monroy , Monsanto , Monsanto , Monsanto , Monsanto , Monsanto , Mota , Mota , Murray , Nache , Nelson , Nickelson , Nickelson , Norwood - , Odom , Olivares , Oweng / Owens , Panton , Parker , Pedesclaux - , Perdomo ( 1775 ) - , Perez - , Perry , Perry , Petit , Picard , Picard , Populus , Prevan , Provain , Raby , Rainer , Rauw , Raux , Rea , Reed , Richard , Richard , Rocheblave , Roday , Rodriguez - , Root , Ross , Roy , Schnell , Serrano - , Sezant / Seran , Sheling , Smilley , Esmit / Smith , Smith , Smith , Smith , Smith , Snizy , Snizy , Sondrie , Soulie , Spain , Starbraker , Tabor , Tomlinson , Touriac , Trouly , Trouly , Turpin , Villeray , Vils , Voisin, fils ( 1767 ) - , Walker , Weaters , Weed , West , West , Wheley , Wehet / White , Williams , Williams , Wilson , Wiltz , Woolley , Ximenez ( Ximenes ) - , Ylor |
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1795-03-26-01 |
Notarial Acts, Inventory
People: ( Monsanto ) , ( Monsanto ) , ( Monsanto ) , ( Monsanto ) , ( Monsanto ) , ( Monsanto ) , ( Monsanto ) , ( Monsanto ) , ( Monsanto ) , ( Monsanto ) , ( Monsanto ) , ( Monsanto ) , ( Monsanto ) , ( Monsanto ) , ( Monsanto ) , ( Monsanto ) , ( Monsanto ) , ( Monsanto ) , Abrams , Alexander , Alexander , Alston / Aliston , Archenar , Argote - , Armstrong , Baben , Badillo - , Becker / Baker , Baker , Balk , Banks , Barland , Benjamin , Birds , Blache , Bonner , Bonner , Bools , Brezeno , Britton , Britton , Brocus , Brown , Bryan , Burling , Burnet , Burnet , Bustamente , Butler , Calahan , Calvo , Calwet , Calwet , Carcasses , Carol , Hector - ( Baron de Carondelet ) , Carrick , Carter , Carter , Carter , Carter , Casan , Cavalie , Cenas , Chabot , Chambers , Charbonnet , Cobbe , Coborn , Cochran , Coen , Coles , Coles , Colman , Colman , Commager, Jr. , Cooper , Cooper , Cooper , Corchado , Cory , Cory , Cram , Crest , Creger , Cruzat , Dantilly , Dauber , Dayton , Derbigny , Dorroch , Dow - , Ducrest , Duforest - , Dumaine , Dunn , Dunbar , Dunford / Durnford , Durel , Duval , Elliot , Ellis , Ellis , Ellis , Erben / Irwin , Erven , Essex , Ferguson , Farley , Fefe , Fernandez , Fernandez , Filt , Fitzgerald , Flower , Fordese , Fortier , Freeman , Gibson , Gilbert , Giovellino / Giovelina , Girault , Glascok - Glasscock , Gleson , Gocin , Gomez - , Grandpre - , Green , Guinault ( 1783 ) - , Hamilton , Harman , Harrison , Hartley , Hayes , Heady , Henderson , Henderson , Higdon , Holt , Homes , Honter , Hubbard , Jabery , Johnston , Jones , Jordan , Kelly , King , King , Kirkwood , Cook , La Chapelle / Lachiapella , Lafitte , Lalande , Lambert , Lamothe , Landry , Laserre , Lee , Lelis , Lemaire - , Lemos ( y Amorin ) - , Leonard , Monsanto , Leyre , Lintot , Liotau - , Livaudais , Londrek , Lovio , Lume , Lusky , Macarty , Maget , Makay , Manadu , Marcantel , Martin , McCollaugh , McFarland , McIntosh , Melles , Mese , Mitchell , Miller , Miller , Minor , Monsanto , Monsanto , Monsanto , Monsanto , Monsanto , Monsanto , Tessier , Monsanto , Mortimer , Mota , Nache , Nekelion , Nekelion , Nelion , O'Connor , Odom , Olivares , Oweng / Owens , Panton , Parkins , Pedesclaux - , Perdomo ( 1775 ) - , Perez - , Petit , Picard , Populus , Prevan , Provum , Raby , Rainer , Rauw , Raux , Rea , Reev / Rees , Richard , Ried , Rivera , Rocheblave , Roday , Rodriguez - , Rodriguez - , Roque , Ross , Root , Roulle , Roy , Sandre , Schnell , Sezant / Seran , Serrano - , Sheling , Sigur , Smely , Soulie , Spain , Sprither , Staybraker , Strothers , Tabor , Tesier , Tesier , Tomlinson , Torpen , Touriac , Trouly , Trouly , Urza , Vidal - , Vidal , Vilesas , Voisin , Vousdan , Wathers , Weed , West , West , Wethins , Wheley , Wehet / White , Wilion , Williams , Williams , Wills , Woolley , Ximenez ( Ximenes ) - , Ylor |
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