Free and universal access to the region’s most significant foundational documents
Date/ID | Type | Image |
1770-12-22-01 |
Notarial Acts, Marriage Contract
People: Petit de Coulange , Almourasin , Bouligny - , d'Auberville , de Bouligny , Vezin - , Garciniere ( 1762 ) - , Paret , Villiers - |
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1773-02-08-01 |
Notarial Acts, Succession
People: Bouligny - , Deverges , Clermont , Mazange - , Liotau , Laveau , Rodrigues ( Rodriguez ) - , Durcy , Armesto - , ( Philibert / Jordon ) , ( Philibot / Bouligny ) , ( Philibot / Cowly ) , ( Pilibot / Meledoc ) , Boulogne , Boulogne , Broutin - ( 1752 ) , Civilot / Sibilof , Civilot / Sibilof , Gagnon , Hebert , Hebert , Le Duc , Ranson , Mayon , Mayou , Monteagudo , Moreno , Oson , Philibert / Philibot , Philibert / Philibot , Philibert / Philibot , Philibert / Philibot , Philibot , Philibot , Philipe , Philippe , Piernas - , Suringue / Zeringue , Vienne |
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1773-04-27-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Collection / Demand for Payment of a Note / Debt
People: Bouligny - , Almonester ( y Roxas ) - , Crowly , Aguir , Alva - , Broutin - ( 1752 ) , Jaregui , Loyola - , Potau , Olivares |
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1773-05-10-01 |
Notarial Acts, Succession
People: Fleuriau , Trudeau , Petit de Coulange , Bouligny - , Amelot - , Macarty , Drouet , Mazange - , Unzaga ( y Amezaga ) - , Andry , Gayarre , Quiñones ( Quinones ) - , Amelot , Bertau , Bonet , Bore ( Boré ) - , Bouligney , Broutin - ( 1752 ) , d'Auberville , Dubreuil , duBreuil, Jr. - , Dubreuil - , Dubreuil - , Fleuriau , Hugon , Hugon , Lalande , Liotau - , Macarty , Malet , Maxent ( Maxant ) - , Odoardo ( de Sayas ) - , Pasquiet , Piqueri , Prieto , Rousillon , Simar ( Seimars ) de Belisle , Some / Somme , DuBreuil, pere - , Du Breuil, fils - , Villars , Villemont ( Vilemont ) - |
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1773-05-29-01 |
Notarial Acts, Land Dispute
People: Bouligny - , Almonester ( y Roxas ) - , ( Dubreuil ) , Bertaud Padue , Carlier , Daniel , Delisle / Delille , Dubreuil , Dubreuil - , Dubreuil , duBreuil, Jr. - , Dubreuil - , Du Breuil, fils - |
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1785-03-30-02 |
Judicial Acts, Criminal Cases/Acts, Complete Case, Rebellion
People: Smith , Rapalie , Trevino / Treviño , Rey , Miró ( Miro ) - , Bouligny - , Carreras , Minor , Trudeau - , Monsanto , Harrison , Banks , Capetillo , Caradine , Conelly , DuCros ( de Lucinge ) ( 1752 ), pere - , Duforest - , Elliot , Ellis , Ferguson , Frazier , Frazier , Fruly / Fruley , Gaillard , Green , Holt , Perdomo ( 1775 ) - , Piernas , Pollock , Pounteny / Pounteney , Rapalie , West , Wilson , Young |
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1785-05-09-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Suit/Claim/Counterclaim
People: Ramis , Rodrigues ( Rodriguez ) - , Mendez ( Mendes ) - , Wiltz , Bore ( Baure ) - , Bouligny - , Kernion - |
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1786-03-06-01 |
Judicial Acts, Criminal Cases/Acts, Hearing - Runaway Slaves
People: Rodrigues ( Rodriguez ) - , Postigo ( y Balderrama ) - , ( Bouligny ) , ( Bouligny ) , ( Bouligny ) , ( Cuper ) , ( Cuper ) , ( Hiateley ) , ( Wete ) , Bouligny - , Carreras , Cuper / Cooper , Duet / Duett , Harris , Hasteley , King , Minor , Miró ( Miro ) - , Oggden , Ratlif , Sever , Siro , Walterman / Waltman , Wete / Wiete , Wilson |
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1786-08-16-02 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Bouligny - , Aguaino / Aguairo , Chabert - , de Molina , Guaborque , Labarta , Liotau - , Lustalet , Garvea ( y Orue ) - , Riano ( Riaño ) - , Rodrigues ( Rodriguez ) - |
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1787-05-09-02 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Succession, Report on Inventory
People: Masan , Quiñones ( Quinones ) - , Clark - , Guerrero , Fromentin ( Fromantin ) - , Macarty , Sedella - , Pedesclaux - , Veillon , Brion , Macarty , Gomez - , Macarty , Villamil - , Bouligny - , Fanguy , Rodrigues ( Rodriguez ) - , Pollock - , Soubié , Jones / Jons / Yons , Cavelier , Mazange - , Macarty , Brophy , Roze , Pontalba , Rees , Lebretton , ( Grover ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Macarty ) , ( Safrier ) , ( Techolier ) , Almonester ( y Roxas ) - , Alpuente ( y Ruiz ) - , Armesto - , Asman - , Bahy - , Bailley , Barbier , Barre - , Beauregard, pére - , Becat - ( 1760 ) , Beligny , Bertoniere ( Bertonniere ) - , Bienvenu , Bore ( Baure ) - , Bouderaux , Brossit , Burton , Lafitte ( Cadet ) , Cally / Caliche , Callaghan , Caminada - , Cazey , Chabos , Chabot ( Sr. ) - , Chabert - , Cyrillo de Barcelona , Coirin , Conway , Conway - , Conway , Delalande ( D'Apremont ) - , Delaplace - , Dow - , Duclos - , Dufossat ( Dufosat ) - , Duplesys / Duplessis , Farre , Fauvre and Yotau , Fete , Galvez - , Garic - , Guerbois , Guinault ( 1783 ) - , Houssaye, fils - , Irwin , Jourdain , Kennedy , Lafountain , Langles , Langlois , Layonchere , Leblanc , Lebreton , Lebreton ( d'Orgency ) - , Lebreton , LeBreton , LeBretton des Chapelle , LeBretton, Jr. , Leclair , Lemaire - , Leonard ( Leonor ) - , Livaudais, fils - , Liotau - , de Macarty , Barthelmy de Macarty , Macarty , Macardy , Macnamara - , Magnemara , Mather , Mathers & Strothers , Maxen, Jr. , Mayoral , Monsanto , Montegut ( Montegu ) - , Morgan , Not given , Not given , Not given , Not given , Not given , Not given , Olivier de St. Maurice - , Ortega - , Paillet , Pelerin , Pellegrue - , Poeyfarré ( Poeyfarre ) - , Delfaut de Pontalba , Postigo ( y Balderrama ) - , Raguet - , Robin , Mallines ( Malline ) ( 1765 ) - , Sandie , Sarpes , Sassay , Sauve , Second / Segond ( 1765 ) - , Trepanier , Vesie , Vivant(e) , Votan , Waugh , White , Ximenez - |
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1788-04-04-02 |
Administrative Acts, Application / Request Permission
People: Bouligny - , Chevalier , D'Erneville ( Derneville ) - , Liotau - , Miró ( Miro ) - , Pedesclaux - , Perdomo ( 1775 ) - , Pontalba , Postigo ( y Balderrama ) - , Second / Segond ( 1765 ) - |
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1788-04-12-02 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Declaration
People: Villiers - , Boutet ( Boutte ) - , Belexir , Bouligny - , Canair , Caravi / Carraby , de la Claire , Argote - , Mallines ( Malline ) ( 1765 ) - , Martin, Jr. , Martin, Sr. , Paillet , Perdomo ( 1775 ) - , Postigo ( y Balderrama ) - , Quiñones ( Quinones ) - |
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1788-07-16-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Diligencia: Proof of Bachelorhood
People: Dutisme , Unzaga ( y Amezaga ) - , Armesto - , Bouligny - , Clark - , Foucher - ( 1783 ) , Miró ( Miro ) - , Perdomo ( 1775 ) - , Postigo ( y Balderrama ) - , Quintero , Silvestre |
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1788-08-23-02 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Succession, Report on Inventory
People: ( Marchan ) , Alalair , Alpuente ( y Ruiz ) - , Atonet , Badia , Bermeso , Blanco , Bonavel , Bouligny - , Bussy , Caffin , Carcasses , Carraby , Castanedo - , Cultia - , Cursel , Davia , Delalande ( D'Apremont ) - , Dorrell , Dubois , Durel , Fangui , Ferrand , Garcia , Genova , Gonzales - , Grima , Herbert , Jourdan , Juen , Labie , Lalande , Landreau , Lanz , Lauga , Le Duc , Marchan , Marne , Mata / Matta , Mendez ( Mendes ) - , Mendiola , Miró ( Miro ) - , Montegut ( Montegu ) - , Morales , Olivie , Orange , Garvea ( y Orue ) - , Perdomo ( 1775 ) - , Peres , Delaplace - , Plest , Pontela , Postigo ( y Balderrama ) - , Prieur , de Quintanilla , Raguet, fils - , Reynes , Riano ( Riaño ) - , Rodriguez , Santana , Soubielle , Soubielle , Soubielle , Soubielle , Soubielle , Soubielle , Subiela , Tenoba , Trique , Vienne , Vierre , Xeres - , Ximenez - |
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1788-09-09-02 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Suit/Claim/Counterclaim
People: Villemont ( Vilemont ) - , Petit de Coulange , Quiñones ( Quinones ) - , Bouligny - , Caminada - , Carcasses , Carreras , Lachaise - , Chabert - , Conand , d'Auberville , D'Erneville ( Derneville ) - , Devilliers , Doverville , Duforest - , Dufresne , Fermino , Gallard , Garic - , Lemos ( y Amorin ) - , Grand-Pré , Galar Grandpre , de Grandpre , Guinault ( 1783 ) - , Ybañes , Jones , Liotau - , Mallines ( Malline ) ( 1765 ) - , Lemaire - , Minor , Miró ( Miro ) - , Montreville , Perdomo ( 1775 ) - , Porta , Porte , Postigo ( y Balderrama ) - , Pre , Reboul , Almonester ( y Roxas ) - , Savage , Soler ( Solere ) - , Waler |
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1788-10-05-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Succession, Report on Inventory
People: Duchesne , Durel , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , Lefebvre , Mercier , Lano , Vivan , Villars , Lavigne , Solis , Coffigny , Fernandez , Boisclair , Fuentes , Fernandez , Alon , Lasmartres , Monplaisir , Jacob , Mandeville , ( Dapremont ) , Busson , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , Serrano - , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , de Kerlerec , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , Dupre , Artaud , ( Dapremont ) , de Mazant , De Naugine , ( Dapremont ) , de Mouy , ( Dapremont ) , Descoudreau , ( Dapremont ) (I) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , Delivillier , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) (I) , Chaperon , ( Dapremont ) (II) , de Gruy Verloin , Tremoulet - , Olivares , Fortier , Galvez - , Genova , Perez - , Lartiga / Lartique , Ramis , Gaudinet , Pomet , Santilly , Rivera , Dupuy , Quais / Quays , ( Dapremont ) , Roze , Castanedo - , Poeyfarré ( Poeyfarre ) - , Pedesclaux - , Fanguy , Percy , Sedella - , Larrieu , Monget , ( Chavert ) , ( Chavert ) , ( Chavert ) , ( Chavert ) , ( Chavert ) , ( Chavert ) , ( Chavert ) (I) , ( Chavert ) (II) , ( Dapremon ) , ( Dapremon ) , ( Dapremon / Rosa ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) , ( Dapremont ) (I) , ( Dapremont ) (II) , ( Dapremont ) (II) , ( Dapremont ) (II) , ( Dapremont ) (II) , ( Dapremont ) (II) , ( Dapremont ) (II) , ( Dapremont ) (II) , ( Dapremont ) (II) , ( Dapremont ) (II) , ( Dapremont ) (II) , ( Dapremont ) (II) , ( Dapremont ) (III) , ( Dapremont ) (III) , ( Estroder ) , ( FPOC ) , ( FPOC ) , ( Roquiny ) , Aguiar , Aleman , Alva , Alvarez , Amelot , Villegas - , Argote , Argote , Armas ( y Arcila ) - , Armero , Armesto - , Bachus , Badia / Bahia , Bahamonde , Postigo ( y Balderrama ) - , Barba , Basine , Batista , Baune , Bay , Beauregard, fils - , Bellisle , Beltremieux , Bermudes ( Bermudez ) - , Bernal , Bertoniere ( Bertonniere ) - , Besie , Bienvenue - , Bienvenue , Billere , Blache , Blanc , Blanc , Blen , Blocaire , Boisdore , Bonne , Bouligny - , Bouller , Bousiony , Boutet ( Boutte ) - , Branbier , Brasilier / Brasilie , Brouner , Broussard , Brunet , Buchen / Buchent / Boucher / Bucher , Buri , Butet , Buyr , Caisergues - , Calandrot , Calay , Caluna , Calvo , Camacho , Cannouay , Canuay , Canue , Conway - , Hector - ( Baron de Carondelet ) , Carre , Cavelie , Cavelier , Cenas , Chabert - , Chantalou - ( 1736 ) , Chapron , Chiloc , Clargue , Clark - , Clark and Rees , Clars , Clary , Cosee , Cosini , de Coulange , Petit de Coulange , Court , Crimén , Cruz , Cupidon , Bobe Desclouseaux , Dapremont , Dapremont , Dapremont , Dapremont , Dapremont , Delalande ( D'Apremont ) - , Dapremont , Daunoy ( Daunois ) , Debuys , Degruis , Dejan , Delac , Delat , Villebeuvre - , Depres , Deregieaux , Devilliers , Dezilet , Dominguez , Lamolere Dorville , Dou , Dow - , Duberge , Dubon , Duforest - , Duplessis , Dupuy , Duquie , Durel , Durel, Sr. , Dutillet , Duval , Espinosa , Strother ( Estrother ) - , Etien , Liotau, Fabre and Company - , Fabrega , Favrot - , Fabrot , Farges , Fehx , Felix , Ferrand , Fontéll , Fontenelle , Fortier , Fraga , Franco , Fremois , Gantilli , Garcia , Garel , Garre , Lemos ( y Amorin ) - , Giondelle , Giovellina , Girana , Giro , Girod , Girona , Girot , Givelina , Gonzalez - , Govelina , Gravier , Grimar , Grondel , Grondel , Gruy , Guays , Hoch / Hoche / Hodge , Jan , Jourdan , Kerlerec , Kernion -, son , Kernion , Labatut , Labrasy , Lachapelle , Lacour , Lafite ( Lafitte Cadet ) - , Chauvin de Lafreniere, fils , Lagrenade , Lagroue , Lalande , Landry , Landry / Landri , Lane , Lanot , Larraby , Lartigue , Latil , Laure , Lavigne , Lavigne , Lavigné , Laviñe , Leblanc , Lebreton , Chauvin de Léry ( Deléry ) , Letourneur , Leuzeson , Liotau - , Liotau - , Soubie / Loubie , Macarty , Macarty , Magnon , Marciel , Mandeville ( Marigny de ) - , Marin , Martin , Mata / Matta , Mather ( Meder ) , Mendez ( Mendes ) - , Mercenario - , Mercie , Mesa , Meyon , Miró ( Miro ) - , Miro , Moguen , Monbron , Monbrun , Monlon ( Monllon ) - , Monrow , Montegut ( Montegu ) - , Montroy , Morant , Morant , De Moran , Mouillet , Neuf , Nunez , Olivero , Olivier de St. Maurice - , Vezin - , Paillet , Pelegren , Pellegrue - , Peña ( Pena ) - , Perdomo ( 1775 ) - , Peresil , Persy , Piernas , Piernas , Piernas - , Piernas , Pomet , Pontalba , Pontela , Grandpre - , Prevoste , Prieto , Prion / Prieur , Profit , Quiñones ( Quinones ) - , Reboult , Raguet - , Riano ( Riaño ) - , Reaud , Reboul , Reggio, Sr. ( 1758 ) - , Reggio , Regio , Revegui , Rillieux , Rodriguez - , Roo , Roque , Rover , Sacolor , Salcedo - , Sanchez , Santilli , Sarpy , Sauve ( Saure ) - , Sauiluet , Sauve , Segon , Second / Segond ( 1765 ) - , Senac - , Serres , Siber , Sonde , Soubié , Soulié , Stilet , Suave , Suel , Suen , Tellerin , Tenoba , Thomassin , Tobelina , Tremé ( Tremet ) - , Treviño , Troudeaux , Trudot , Tulosa , Tuluy , Tumonvilié , Uater , Urza , Urzel , Valdez , Vidal - , Vilars , Villieres , Villars , Ville , Villeneuve, ( Sr. ) - , Vils , Vivant & Co. , Voisin ( 1788 ) - , Willes , Wilz / Wiltz , Wiltz , Wiltz , Ximenez ( Ximenes ) - |
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1789-08-03-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Bouligny - , Dow - , Miró ( Miro ) - , Montegut ( Montegu ) - , Pellegrue - , Perdomo ( 1775 ) - , Roche - |
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1790-12-03-03 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Succession, Statement of Account
People: Serrano - , Pedesclaux - , Argote - , LeBlanc , Liotau , Gomez - , Fangui , Mendez ( Mendes ) - , Wilkins / Belkins , Chabot , Jones , Leblanc , Roy , Farar , Woolley , Quarel , Holt , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Farar ) , ( Hunter ) , ( Rovrel ) , (Farar ) , Aguiar , Aliston , Allain , Alpuente ( y Ruiz ) - , Alston , Alston , Alston / Aliston , Badillo - , Beard , Beattey , Bergeron , Bergeron , Bergeron , Bete , Bisset , Boilrin , Bouligny - , Brie , Brown , Buhcne , Conway - , Caynoy , Clarch , Clark - , Cole , Conway , Coursell , Crimer , Cruizet / Croizet , Cupidon , David , David , Decuir , Demouche , Derieutard , Le Doux , Dufiet / Dufief , Duforest - , Dumbard , Dunbar , Dwight , Ehrenstrom , Elis , Elis , Elliot , Ennete , Strother ( Estrother ) - , Fairlams , Farar , Farar , Farar, Jr. , Ferret , Flower , Galauder , Gallen , Gante , Garrin , Gerault , Glass , Gomez , Grandmaison - , Gremilion , Grisey , Groue , Guinault ( 1783 ) - , Helly , Hemphill , Hervey , Hooge , Humphries , Janes , Jarreaux , Johnsto , Kenery / Kenedy , Keysey , Kirh , Kyrkland , Lavergne , Magnon , Major , Mather & Strother , Mauturin , McNeal , Meillon , Melleur , Minor , Monsanto , Nash , Olang , Olivo , Palmer , Picard , Delaplace - , Porche , Porche , Poidras ( Poydras ) - , Grandpre - , Price , Proffit ( Profit ) - , Renau , Rieutord , Robiest , Roddy , Ross , Tayllor , Taylor , Thompson , Tounnoir , Trete / Frete , Vidal - , White |
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