Date/ID Type Image
1793-03-21-01 Notarial Acts, Marriage - Permission Given
People: Baure , Bonabel , Demorand , Dosat , Duforest - , Moreau , Moreau , Serrano - , Simon , Treme , Treme , Ximenez ( Ximenes ) -
1793-12-02-03 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Collection / Demand for Payment of a Note / Debt
People: ( Dapremont ) , Barre - , Hector - ( Baron de Carondelet ) , Dapremont , Duforest - , Garcia , Garcin , Guinault ( 1783 ) - , Ozenne , Treme , Vidal - , Ximenez ( Ximenes ) -
1794-09-25-01 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Collection / Demand for Payment of a Note / Debt
People: Baure , Dauquemenie Demorant , Guinault ( 1783 ) - , Lisa , Moreau , Moreau , Revot , Serrano - , Treme
1796-05-31-02 Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Suit/Claim/Counterclaim
People: Hector - ( Baron de Carondelet ) , Cave , Rames , Treme , Ximenez ( Ximenes ) -

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