Free and universal access to the region’s most significant foundational documents
Date/ID | Type | Image |
1753-08-12-01 |
Judicial Acts, Criminal Cases/Acts, Report of Procurator General
People: Baron , Bernoudy - , Bobé Descloseaux - |
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1765-06-29-01 |
Notarial Acts, Marriage Contract
People: Bernoudy, fils - , Dreux , Dreux , Aubert , Bobé , Bernoudy - , Dreux , Dreux , de Logny , Dreux , Fazande , [ Religious - Capuchin ] , [ Religious - Capuchin ], de Longuory , Mazange , Bernoudy - , Bernoudy , Bernoudy , Bollerzague , Dichon , Dreux , Dreux , Garic - , Guis de Fosset , Hugot |
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1769-07-12-01 |
Notarial Acts, Settlement
People: Bobe Deslouseaux , Bernoudy , Bernoudy - , Compte Pechon , Aubert , Bobe , Bobe |
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1770-02-17-01 |
Notarial Acts, Assignment
People: Ancrum , Andry , Armand , Auricoste , Badon , Balme , Beauregard , Bellair , Bernoudy - , Berqueville , Braquier, ainé , Braud - , Broutin , Burgos , Cadet , Cadis , Caminada , Carriere , Cartier , Cavalier freres , Champion , Chantamá , Charretier , D'Abbadie , Daunois , Dauterive ( d'Hauterive ) - , David , Deguindre, fils , Deguire , Delachaise , Derruisseaux , Desillets , Dessalles , Dubreuil , Dupessy / Duplessy , Duplessis , Durand , Duverge , Duverges , Forestal / Forstall , Garic - , Grondele , Guerin , Hollier , Jarvelas , Jung , Laclede , Lafitte , Laissard , Lajeunesse , Lamalatie , Lamatte , Lardin , Lebretton / Lebreton , Lecour , Lefevre , Sassier ( Lesassier ) - , Loppinot , Macnemara , Maxent ( Maxant ) - , Mazange - , Menard , Mongel , Monsanto , Musculus , Neau , Poupet , Raguet - , Raimbault , Ranson , Reaud , Ricardo , Ricardo , Ronde ( Delaronde, père ) - , Roullin , Soubie - , Tarascon - , Tredo , Unzaga ( y Amezaga ) - , Veslar , Vienne , Villards , Villiers , Voix ( Bua ) - |
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1770-09-24-01 |
Notarial Acts, Sale of Slave(s)
People: ( Lauve ) , Bernoudy - , Couturier - , Delaplace - , Goudeau ( Gaudeau ) - , Lauve |
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1771-11-14-02 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Suit/Claim/Counterclaim
People: Triere , Bernoudy - |
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1786-01-17-02 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: ( Bernody ) , Bernoudy - , Bore , Mendez ( Mendes ) - , Miró ( Miro ) - , Perdomo ( 1775 ) - , Postigo ( y Balderrama ) - , Riano ( Riaño ) - |
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1786-08-16-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Succession, Report on Inventory
People: Dejan , Mendez ( Mendes ) - , ( Dejan ) , ( Dejan ) , ( Dejan ) , ( Dejan ) , ( Dejan ) , ( Dejan ) , ( Dejan ) , Bacilio , Badia , Bahamonde , Bare , Baret , Beltran , Beluche - , Bernoudy - , Bertoniere ( Bertonniere ) - , Bever , Boisdore - , Bouligny - , Brune , Cadet , Cadet, son , Canas , Cantrell , Carcasses , Carrier , Chabert - , Conan , Dejan , Despres ( Desprez ) - , Doriocourt , Ducret , Ducro , Dumon , Durel , Durel, Sr. , Durriere , Durtaine / Duretaine , Dusen , Fasent , Fenuar , Forstall / Forstal , Garcia , Garic - , Herbert - , Kernion , Labarre, son , Langloo , Languran , Laplace , Laporta , Larche , Lede , Leonard , Lerez , Male , Mandeville , Marmasu , Marre , Materro , Mather ( Meder ) , Mercier , Miró ( Miro ) - , Monget , Monlor , Monrroy , Pechu , Perdomo ( 1775 ) - , Postigo ( y Balderrama ) - , Poydras , Preteli , Prieto , Profit , Reggio ( change>1758 ) - , Rodriguez , Rodrigues ( Rodriguez ) - , Roquigny , Rover , Sachere , Santaman , Selot , Sulser , Toutan , Wiltz , Wuakarny / Wuakerny |
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1788-04-12-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Collection / Demand for Payment of a Note / Debt
People: Pedesclaux - , Bernoudy - , Delachaise , Macarty , Macarty , Macarty , Macarty , Meder , Miró ( Miro ) - , Rodrigues ( Rodriguez ) - , Trepanier , Trudeau |
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1788-04-16-03 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Collection / Demand for Payment of a Note / Debt
People: de Alba , Carcasses , Foucher - ( 1783 ) , Clark - , Ventura ( Morales ) - , ( Boisdore ) , ( Boisdore ) , ( Boisdore ) , ( Boisdore ) , ( Boisdore ) , ( Boisdore ) , ( Boisdore ) , ( Boisdore ) , ( Forestall ) , Badillo - , Baneris / Bagneris , Bernoudy - , Billiano , Blanc , Boisdore , Boisdore, Jr. , Bore ( Baure ) - , Boudous , Boisdore - , Braquier , Hector - ( Baron de Carondelet ) , Conard / Connard , Constant , Doussin , Dupuy , Favrot - , Forstall / Forstal , Guenon / Guénon , Genova , Giro ( Girod ) , Guerain , Guerin , Guillemon , Guinault ( 1783 ) - , Lachipella / Lachiapella , Livaudais , Mallines ( Malline ) ( 1765 ) - , Mendez ( Mendes ) - , Merieult , Molon , Odoardo ( de Sayas ) - , Pedesclaux - , Pequeño , Perdomo ( 1775 ) - , Rabasa , Rillieux , Second / Segond ( 1765 ) - , Segond, Jr. - , Sepon , Serrano - , Vidal - , Williams , Ybañes |
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1789-03-18-02 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Collection / Demand for Payment of a Note / Debt
People: Pedesclaux - , Armas ( y Arcila ) - , Bernoudy - , Miró ( Miro ) - , Rabine |
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1790-01-05-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Succession, Report on Inventory
People: ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Durel ) , ( Fortier ) , ( Fortier ) , ( Fortier ) , ( Fortier ) , ( Fortier ) , ( Fortier ) , ( Fortier ) , ( Fortier ) , Arnaud , Badillo - , Bernoudy - , Bernoudy , Browner , de la Chaise , Durel , Fanguy , Fortier , Fortier , Fortier , Fortier , Fortier , Fortier , Fortier , Fortier , Fortier , Guerrero , Labranche , Lemaire - , Liotau - , Mendez ( Mendes ) - , Miró ( Miro ) - , Morant , Orso ( Orzo ) - , Pedesclaux - , Perdomo ( 1775 ) - , Delaplace - , Postigo ( y Balderrama ) - , Reaud , Rodriguez - , Rodrigues ( Rodriguez ) - , Serrano - , Sossa ( Sosa ) - , Vidal - , Ximenez ( Ximenes ) - |
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1790-01-15-06 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Collection / Demand for Payment of a Note / Debt
People: Serre / Delasserre , Bernoudy - , Hector - ( Baron de Carondelet ) , Fromentin ( Fromantin ) - , Guinault ( 1783 ) - , Miró ( Miro ) - , Pedesclaux - |
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1790-01-28-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Collection / Demand for Payment of a Note / Debt
People: ( Monnol ) , de Alba , Bore ( Baure ) - , Bernoudy - , Boisdore , Boisdore - , Boisdore , Boutet ( Boutte ) - , Braquier , Hector - ( Baron de Carondelet ) , Clark - , Favrot - , Gerin / Guerin , Girood / Girod , Gomez - , Guenon , Guerain , Guillemaud / Guillemard , Guinault ( 1783 ) - , Lachapella , Lacour , Lavergne , Second / Segond ( 1765 ) - , Legor , Lemaire - , Mendez ( Mendes ) - , Meriaut , Miró ( Miro ) - , Monlon ( Monllon ) - , Odoardo ( de Sayas ) - , Pedesclaux - , Pequeño , Rilliaux , Segond, Jr. - , Vidal - |
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1790-07-23-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Suit/Claim/Counterclaim
People: Bossier , Bourgeois , Pedesclaux , Labie , Gomez - , Leduc , Pedesclaux - , Matta , Serrano - , Mercier , Peytavin , Mendez ( Mendes ) - , Gallardo , Baudin , Wiltz , Badillo - , Bahy , Bernoudy - , Bore ( Baure ) - , Cane , Combelle ( Combell ) - , Delalande ( D'Apremont ) - , Duforest - , Durel , Fangui , Giovellino / Giovelina , Guinault ( 1783 ) - , Lagrange , Lemaire - , Liotau - , Miró ( Miro ) - , Montegut ( Montegu ) - , Perdomo ( 1775 ) - , Delaplace - , Riux , Rodriguez - , Senac - , Verret , Vidal - , Ximenez - , Ximenez ( Ximenes ) - |
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1790-08-21-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Suit/Claim/Counterclaim
People: Bernoudy - , Bossier , Bourgeois , Cané , Duforest - , Durel , Gallardo , Giovellino / Giovelina , Gomez - , Guinault ( 1783 ) - , Lagrange , Larrieux , Lavy / Labie , Leduc , Liotau - , Mendez ( Mendes ) - , Mercier , Miró ( Miro ) - , Montegut ( Montegu ) - , Pedesclaux - , Perdomo ( 1775 ) - , Peytavin , Postigo ( y Balderrama ) - , Serrano - , Vidal - , Verret , Ximenez ( Ximenes ) - |
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1792-11-23-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Petition (for action, for hearing, to waive hearing, etc.)
People: Guerain , Pedesclaux - , Doussin , Mendez ( Mendes ) - , Clark - , Guerin , Monlon ( Monllon ) - , Colon , Thomassin , Chantalou - ( 1736 ) , Songy , Leduc , Bernoudy - , Rillieux , Merieult , Braquier , ( Dusacy ) , de Alba , Bary ( Barry ) - ( 1757 ) , Bore ( Baure ) - , Lemelle Bellegrade , Bluche , Boisdore - , Boisdore , Boisdoré , Boisdoré , Boisdore , Boisdoré , Boisdoré , Boisdoré , Boisdoré , Boisdoré , Boisdoré , Bonavanture , Braud - , Bret , Hector - ( Baron de Carondelet ) , Chevreux , DeBergue , Devergue , Devers , Devers , Devers , Daussin / Doussin , Doussin , Duforest - , Favrot - , Fagot , Fouche , Giro ( Girod ) , Grenon , Guenon / Guénon , Guillemard , Lachapela , Laporte , Lenormand - ( 1738 ) , Sassier ( Lesassier ) - , Liotau - , Livaudais ( Delivaudais, pére ) - , Moller , Odoardo ( de Sayas ) - , Pequeño , Pequeño , Reggio, Sr. ( 1758 ) - , Roudeau , Segond, Jr. - , Sossa , Vidal - |
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1793-01-07-01 |
Notarial Acts, Emancipation (of Slave)
People: ( Enslaved ) , Argote - , Armas ( y Arcila ) - , Armesto - , Beleslau , Berluchaud , Bernoudy - , Hector - ( Baron de Carondelet ) , Duforest - , Miró ( Miro ) - , Guinault ( 1783 ) - , Hoa - , Hodge , Lacourt / La Cour , Lemaire - , Liotau - , Munro / Maneraux , Pedesclaux - , Rodrigues ( Rodriguez ) - , Salazar , Sossa ( Sosa ) - , Valdes , Vidal - , Ximenez ( Ximenes ) - |
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1793-01-14-05 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Suit/Claim/Counterclaim
People: de Alba , Bore ( Baure ) - , Bernoudy - , Boisdore - , Boisdore , Boisdore , Braquier , Hector - ( Baron de Carondelet ) , Clark , Doussin , Duforest - , Favrot - , Genon , Gerin , Girod , Guillemard , Guinault ( 1783 ) - , Lachapelle , Libaudais , Liotau - , Mendez ( Mendes ) - , Mericult / Merieult , Monlon ( Monllon ) - , Pedesclaux - , Pequeño , Rilliaux , Second / Segond ( 1765 ) - , Vidal - |
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1793-02-07-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Collection / Demand for Payment of a Note / Debt
People: de Alba , Bary - ( change>1757 ) , Baudore , Baure , Bellegarde , Bermann , Bernoudy - , Boisdore , Boisdore - , Boisdoré , Boisdore , Braquier , Braud , Hector - ( Baron de Carondelet ) , Clark - , Colon , Devert , Daussin / Doussin , Doussin , Duforest - , Favrot - , Genon , Girod , Guerin , Guillemard , Guinault ( change>1783 ) - , Lachapelle , Le Normand , Lebaudais , Liotau - , Mendez ( Mendes ) - , Meriault , Monlon ( Monllon ) - , Oduardo , Pedesclaux - , Pequeño , Mallines , Segond, Jr. - , Sepon , Thomasin ( Thomassin ) - , Vidal - |
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1793-05-07-04 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Collection / Demand for Payment of a Note / Debt
People: ( Guenon ) , de Alba , Baure , Bernoudy - , Boisdore , Boisdore , Boisdore , Boisdore , Braquier , Hector - ( Baron de Carondelet ) , Clark - , Favrot - , Girod , Gomez - , Guenon / Guénon , Guerin , Guillemard , Guinault ( change>1783 ) - , Lachapela , Lemaire - , Libaudais , Liotau - , Mendez ( Mendes ) - , Meriault , Monlon ( Monllon ) - , Oduardo , Orso ( Orzo ) - , Pallard , Pedesclaux - , Pequeño , Rillieux , Segond, Jr. - , Vidal - |
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1793-05-26-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Suit/Claim/Counterclaim
People: de Alba , Baure , Bernoudy - , Boisdore , Boisdore , Braquier , Hector - ( Baron de Carondelet ) , Clark - , Doussin , Duforest - , Favrot - , Genon , Girod , Guerin , Guillemard , Guinault ( 1783 ) - , Lachapela , Libaudais , Liotau - , Mendez ( Mendes ) - , Meriault , Monlon ( Monllon ) - , Oduardo , Pedesclaux - , Pequeño , Rillieux , Segond, Jr. - , Vidal - |
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1793-08-08-01 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Collection / Demand for Payment of a Note / Debt
People: de Alba , Baure , Bernoudy - , Boisdore , Boisdore , Baquier / Braquier , Hector - ( Baron de Carondelet ) , Clark - , Doussin , Duforest - , Favrot - , Girod , Genon , Guerin , Guillemard , Guinault ( 1783 ) - , La Chapelle / Lachiapella , Liotau - , Livaudais , Mallines ( Malline ) ( 1765 ) - , Mendez ( Mendes ) - , Mericult / Merieult , Monlon ( Monllon ) - , Pedesclaux - , Pequeño , Rillieux , Segond, Jr. - , Vidal - |
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1793-08-08-02 |
Judicial Acts, Civil Cases/Acts, Collection / Demand for Payment of a Note / Debt
People: de Alba , Baure , Bernoudy - , Boisdore , Boisdore , Baquier / Braquier , Hector - ( Baron de Carondelet ) , Clark - , Doussin , Duforest - , Dupre , Favrot - , Genon , Girod , Guerin , Guillemard , Guinault ( 1783 ) - , La Chapelle / Lachiapella , Lesassier , Liotau - , Livaudais , Mallines ( Malline ) ( 1765 ) - , Mendez ( Mendes ) - , Merieult , Monlon ( Monllon ) - , Pedesclaux - , Pequeño , Rillieux , Segond, Jr. - , Siben , Vidal - |
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1793-08-12-01 |
People: ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , ( Mercier ) , Alpanse , Alpuente ( y Ruiz ) - , Aperd , Avart - , Ayala , Badillo - , Bardel , Barre - , Beaupur , Beler , Bermudes ( Bermudez ) - , Bernoudy - , Beltrand , Bienvenu , Bosques , Bossier , Boudousquie , Bougaud , Bouligny - , Bourgeois , Boyaval ( Bayaval )- , Broutin - ( 1752 ) , Bunel , Camano , Hector - ( Baron de Carondelet ) , Collet , d'Auberville , Daunois , de Bouis , Degruy , Delasonsen , D'Erneville ( Derneville ) - , Desilet , Dias ( Diaz ) - , Dominguez , Ducros , Ducros , Duforest - , Dufossat , Durel , Duriau , Dutillet , Favrot , Fangui , Ferrer , Fontenelle , Fontenelle , Fonvergne - , Gaiennie , Gairal , Gravier , Gravier , Hiltre , Imbert , Kernion , Labatut , Lagrange , Landier , Larrieux , Lebreton , Liotau , Liotau - , Macarty , Mayeux , Marigny - , Mayeux , Mayronne , Mendez ( Mendes ) - , Mercier , Millot , Miró ( Miro ) - , Ventura ( Morales ) - , Morand [ Morant ] , Ortega - , Garvea ( y Orue ) - , de Palacios , Pedesclaux - , Pedesclaux , Percy , Perdomo ( 1775 ) - , Perrault , Peytavin , Plassan , Pontalba , Prevost , Prevost , Prior , Quiñones ( Quinones ) - , Quinones , Reggio , Remy , Renaud , Rodriguez - , Rodriguez , Sabin , Sandre , Serrano - , Soriano , St. Martin , Torda , Tricou , Trudeau - , Vidal - , Wackernie - , Wiltz , Ximenez ( Ximenes ) - |
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1794-10-13-02 |
Notarial Acts, Inventory
People: ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , ( Aime ) , Aime , Aime , Aime , Aime , Arnaud , Arnaud , Arunau , Aubry , Badillo - , Barran , Bellair , Bernoudy - , Bertrand , Bonnabel , Boudousquie , Brou , Camano , Cantrelle , Hector - ( Baron de Carondelet ) , Chesnau , Chinomt , Comagere , Conan , Darimbourg , Degruy / Degruise , Delhomme , Delvaux , Deslande , Deslonde , Deslondes , Deslonde , Despau , Destrehan , Dubrogua , Duclos , Duforest - , Durel , Dusseaux , Elfreu , Facenda , Faucheur , Fonvergne - , Fonvergne , Fortier , Foucher ( 1745 ) , Foucher , Glapion - , Gravier , Grima , Guinault ( 1783 ) - , Hengerroder , Herrero , Jourdain , Labranche , Labranche , Larmandie , Logny , Loiselle / Loisel , Marchand , Mare , Masicot , Mavart , Meuillon , Mongoulas , Monpensier , Monroy , Moore , Paquet , Paquet , Pedesclaux - , Pellegrue , Quiñones ( Quinones ) - , Ramos , Rivera , Rodriguez - , Roger , Sabatier , Sandre , Saulet , Seixnaiter , Sigur , St. Amand , St. Amand , St. Martin , Martin , Toca , Toups , Trepagnier , Trepagnier , Trepagnier , Trepis , Vadri , Vidal - , Vieux , Wackernie - , Wiltz , Ximenez ( Ximenes ) - , Zereingue |
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1795-06-08-04 |
Notarial Acts, Inventory
People: ( Desillest ) , ( Desillest ) , ( Desillest ) , ( Desillest ) , ( Desillest ) , ( Desillest ) , ( Desillest ) , ( Desillest ) , ( Desillest ) , ( Desillest ) , ( Desillest ) , ( Desillest ) , ( Desillest ) , ( Desillest ) , ( Desillest ) , ( Desillest ) , ( Desillest ) , Argote - , Badillo - , Baudin , Baudin , Bethremieux / Beltremieux , Bernoudy - , Bienvenu , Boudousquie , Broutin - ( 1752 ) , Calvo , Hector - ( Baron de Carondelet ) , Chabot , Desillest , Duforest - , Duval , Fernandez , Fortier , Fortin , Garland , Girod , Guinault ( 1783 ) - , Herve , Kernion - , Landier , Lavergne , Lesassier , Liotau - , Macarty , Mercier , Mericult / Merieult , Morant , Morant , Mortimer , Pedesclaux - , Perea , Prevost , Rodriguez , Vidal - , Ximenez ( Ximenes ) - |
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